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 The 5-fold symmetry traced by Earth and Venus as they orbit the Sun.  Everything in the universe dances to beautiful music.  


#grownostr #science  
 pretty neat! 
 My God is an awesome God 

 That's it, my grandkids are getting a spirograph for Christmas! 
 Man, I miss those things... 
 Almost as if it was designed by a designer, and not just the result of a random “big bang”. The evidence for creation is everywhere if people will just look. 
 The Greeks called it "the music of the spheres".
When we do this with the other planets. And then the sun through are galaxy it gets even more amazing.. 👍🏻 
 Not the best example but its what i could find doing a quick search during my break 😁 https://image.nostr.build/aea07bf7285955d55f1d9cacfeefd8ca4a2758efae79d624b70002c3508716f8.gif 
 Seed of Life