Yep, and there is the real question. Of course the mass of people have the real power but only crazy heros take the leap on their own. So, how to convince a critical mass of people to literally check one box on one government form? An anon with a big Tik tok following shows the form and encourages people to tick the box, take their rightful earnings, cite the genocide argument. The people taking the action could even keep in their back pocket the notion of an honest mistake, "Oops, i must have accidentally checked the wrong box". An insurance policy, if it happens that not enough people follow thru with the box ticking. But, if a critical mass does tick, then i reckon you could jam the IRS system with a mer 2% of the employed population. Once it catches on, more people would feel brave enough to take actiin to prevent the govt from stealing from them. 2% becomes 4%, becomes 10% then there is no going back, the system is broken. A girl can dream cant she?