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 What if we all just stop paying taxes until the government starts respecting the constitution?

Besides, the government doesn’t need our tax dollars anyway; they just print whatever money they need out of thin air. 
 At first I was just going to say that they’d put us all in jail, but then I remembered that if we all do stop, there won’t be anyone left to enforce it. 
 There would be people. Remember, government employees like police are paid with debt, and there is no limit to the amount of debt that can be created. 
 Well, enough of them would have to stop helping the system. 
 It would have to be a state-by-state thing, like a state can pass a law preventing the IRS and any other enforcement from having any presence in the state (Missouri already prevents gives the finger to the ATF), and then informing their citizens that the federal taxation can no longer be enforced. 
 Wouldn’t that cause some kind of conflict between the state and the federal governments?  I don’t think the feds would take it lying down. 
 Ya think? I thought the Feds were a friendly bunch. 
 The government creates the deficit out of thin air, not the full budget. the money we pay in taxes is redirected by the Treasury, it is not deleted or destroyed. There's just not enough coming in so they have to keep creating more.  I know the memes say differently, but taxes we pay do circulate back into spending. 
 The pentagon cant track trillions of dollars it claimed to have as part of its budget. Im of the persuasion that the legitimacy of all government figures are in questiin. I dont assume that the government produces financial reports for honest clarity of its operations, but rather as a means of creating the facade of authority and legitimacy. Ill leave this here for folks in the know: FASAB Statement 56 - read this, an uncomfortable dose of reality about how the US "reports" its financials. 
 That's true, and the timing of 911 being the day after the Secretary of Defense pledged a full overhaul of the Pentagon budget in order to start tracking that money more accurately has never sat well with me. I remember watching that news conference with a sense of hope and then waking up the next morning to a sense of dread. 
 Yep. And then years later FASAB 56 essentially removed the requirement of being able to account for things when.....conducting "accounting". Clown world for sure. 
 I’d imagine they’d “find” (aka print) money for enforcement quite quickly. Would prove the disconnect very publicly though. 😂

 Love the mindset. 
 The hilarity of a race between IRS new-hires minted with fake fiat and a waking populace increasingly refusing to pay tax thefts....sounds a nit inflationary 😄 
 More than a bit inflationary. 😂 
 I don’t know how a guy is supposed to stop paying taxes on income when it’s deducted at source. Wide swaths of the population where I live would have done it already if it was that easy. Here, employers (corporations that employ people) are agents of the state. And if they don’t deduct your income taxes at source, and you refuse to settle up with the revenue agency at the end of the year, the employer is on the hook for it. It’s the perfect racket. 
 The Canadian equivalent of the W4 is an application for exemption from withholding that requires that you submit a reason for the exemption request, which can then be approved or denied. I’ve been around the horn on this. The only way around it here is to be a contractor and purposely evade (and wait for the goons to show up), or go off grid and work for cash or some asset that you can trade. It’s the Matrix. With so many workers willing to sign up for slavery, most employers don’t need to fuck around dealing with anarchists and the associated risks. Next applicant. 
 Interesting, and scarily authoritarian. At least within a US context, as an employee, you can essentially decouple the tax theft scheme from your employer by ticking the box. This obviously isnt the end of the harrassment as now you, the individual, are the target. This is where massive non-compliance comes in as the system is not designed to handle this occurrence. Fear is the most often used compliance mechanism of the state, strength in numbers can overcome this (of course until CBDC and social credit is instituted then we have algorithmic enforcement which does an end-run around compliance, scary) 
 Mass civil disobedience is effective, but the problem is that it first has to get to a point where people don't care if they are made an example of. The media is not going to show that kind of unrest, so there's an even higher bar to clear for this to work.

Higher taxes on middle-to-high earners and corps is basically a strategy to limit protestors demographically to the ones with the most to lose if they refuse to comply. If you can stop the first wave, it'll never gather momentum. 
 Most people's tax dollars are withheld before they even get them - to avoid exactly this.

How do we fix this first? 
 Fill out w4 with 25 allowances or just tick the box that says you are exempt from withholding, employer doesnt deduct taxes from paycheck. Then, if IRS comes knocking, claim the geneva convention permits you to not to pay taxes if your country is committing or enabling genocide (USA funding Israels genocide).  
 But most people elect to have their taxes withheld. How do you convince most people to change their election? 
 Yep, and there is the real question. Of course the mass of people have the real power but only crazy heros take the leap on their own. So, how to convince a critical mass of people to literally check one box on one government form? An anon with a big Tik tok following shows the form and encourages people to tick the box, take their rightful earnings, cite the genocide argument. The people taking the action could even keep in their back pocket the notion of an honest mistake, "Oops, i must have accidentally checked the wrong box". An insurance policy, if it happens that not enough people follow thru with the box ticking. But, if a critical mass does tick, then i reckon you could jam the IRS system with a mer 2% of the employed population. Once it catches on, more people would feel brave enough to take actiin to prevent the govt from stealing from them. 2% becomes 4%, becomes 10% then there is no going back, the system is broken. A girl can dream cant she? 
 It’s much easier to create new and more efficient systems than to attempt to destroy the most powerful organization of all time. 
 Tem muitos anos que eu não pago IPVA (veículo), IPTU (residência), Imposto de Renda, etc, eu declaro para não ser preso, gero a dívida e deixo lá sem pagar. 

Obviamente eu guardo o dinheiro para pagar quando a máfia conseguir me capturar.

Se eu for parado uma blitz meu carro será roubado pelo governo mas como eu já tenho o dinheiro, pagarei o resgate do sequestro.

Não sei no que isso vai dar mas por enquanto está dando certo. 
 Historically the only thing that has ever worked against the onset of socialism or communism is mass work stoppage. To the tune of about 30% of the work force. And it never succeeds without some carnage and bloodshed. Usually initiated by the state. Read up on the Polish solidarity movement. It’s very interesting. But even then, it still took 19 years between the Solidarnosc movement’s inception and the establishment of open and  free elections in that country. Best thing we can do is encourage people to lay up 3 months of provisions and just one day everyone stops reporting to work. For as long as it takes to get their attention. But until government looting starts resulting in large swaths of people missing meals for a couple days at a time, no one’s going to do shit. 
 They siphon off excess to keep the unwashed masses in check, subservient and busy.  
 all our taxes go to our greatest ally; you have to be a cuck to pay taxes nowadays  
 I'd be down with that if that was a big thing.
But the US constitution allows allows for taxation but not inflation (Money should only be gold and silver).
I think getting people out of inflationary money would be a better idea (encouraging barter/Bitcoin/gold instead of dollars) 
 Everyone would have to quit their W2 jobs first. I'd be down. 
 Come and take it.