A funny coincidence that the only classical liberal/libertarian party in India that existed during the 60's initially had a 21-point statement of principles. https://indianliberals.in/bn/content/statement-of-principles-of-swatantra-party/
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A funny coincidence that the only classical liberal/libertarian party in India that existed during the 60's initially had a 21-point statement of principles. https://indianliberals.in/bn/content/statement-of-principles-of-swatantra-party/ nos.lol
A funny coincidence that the only classical liberal/libertarian party in India that existed during the 60's initially had a 21-point statement of principles. https://indianliberals.in/bn/content/statement-of-principles-of-swatantra-party/ a.nos.lol
Sachin I see point 1 is equality. Do you know or have a sense of they meant equality or equity?
Equality of opportunity is to treat every citizen irrespective of religion and caste, of which there are many in India, equally. I assume that the underlying principle is that all men and women are created equal, which is one of the core tenets of classical liberalism/libertarianism. So I don't think they mean equity.
Yeah IK the definition. Wanted to see if you thought that they meant that or the socialist fake equity. 😇💘