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jack | 15 days ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +576
 don’t depend on corporations to grant you rights.
defend them yourself using freedom technology.

(you’re on one) 
 Nailed it 
 then you'd better remove it 
 I’m relying on Saylor’s DID on Bitcoin to protect my identity.

Am I doing it wrong? 
 I feel what he’s doing will honey pot corporations. 

If they want sats, then it’s good for Bitcoin right? 
 Well Jack just announced 10% of Square’s profits going in to BTC so it must be good!

He’s not gonna entertain questions about Saylor or his motives. Jack never addresses anything controversial, I don’t know why he’s concerned about free speech when he refuses to use it himself. 
 If your network topology looks like this, keep going, you’re on the right track 
 She mind? 
 Nailed it 💪 
 #nostronly 🤙🏼 
 Appreciate you Jack 
 👏 👏 👏  
 Yep. We need to avoid a single point of failure to build an honest future. https://image.nostr.build/d52bfc46d0aa11dd4cad7a3460e0ef034f41c3917042357eb27f9ac0ef330e58.jpg 
 Good news from Biden’s TOP economic advisor. 
Things are looking up!
 So true, let's spread the word! 
 Right. Corporations are being asked to turn folks in, stop doing business with others, and to know your customers...

 Agreed! 🤝  
 Good advice. 
 blame game doesn't yield 
 Dude is set leading by example as a new example 
 Thank you for your work, Jack! 
 But don’t you own a bunch of corporations?  
 I don't understand this flase paradigm of "grant vs defend".

If we're talking about inalienable rights, then no one is granting them to me (or you), ever. Also, I can't defend an inalienable right, but I am responsible for defending myself, which includes defending against attempts at infringing on those rights.

Maybe Jack is saying the same thing, but in a manner that is awkward to me. I prefer to encourage people to use and exercise every lawful inalienable right they can think of. They disappear when we don't.

 I‘d rephrase: don‘t depend on specific corporations. They can change your permissions. Be flexible with your tech. 
 Well said 
 Your rights depend on your freedoms, not the other way around. 

 Yes buy Bitcoin not square stock since you. Report numbers in opaque ways (bullshit earnings) 
 My rights are defended in 2 ways. Cryptography and Direct Kinetic Force. 
 Who will defend the defenders?

Wasn't nostr:nprofile1qydhwumn8ghj7argv4nx7un9wd6zumn0wd68yvfwvdhk6tcprpmhxue69uhkv6tvw3jhytnwdaehgu3wwa5kuef0qy28wumn8ghj7un9d3shjctzd3jjummjvuhszymhwden5te0wp6hyurvv4cxzeewv4ej7qg4waehxw309aex2mrp0yhxgctdw4eju6t09uq3wamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwdehhxarj9e3xzmny9uqzp64suatdx2uqhn2xfu7cgjuqgqcrqadp864uxkv6wckf43atj860lk6hl3  mentioning legal assistance for Nostr devs? 🤔 
 i personally am stacking my sats as hard as i can...

i won't need no defending

anyway, my strikes already hit the target, so i'm happy anyway 
 I have good liability and legal insurance, but I don't know if it would hold up to American court fines. 
 All of my rights were 'granted' to me the moment I came into being.
All ANYONE else can do, be them corporations or governments or individuals (which make up the other two anyway), is choose to try to honor those rights or choose to try to violate them. 
 I am 
 My iPhone?

No but seriously, when Square phone that has BTC and nostr built in. 
 Yes, We working hard to build. 

The more build, the more freedom. 
 Stack sats 🧡⚡️ 
 how long do you have freedom when the government can see your transactions and go after you? 
 All of that will ironed out, be patient 🙏 
 i am patient since 2011 
 Dam you are an OG… salute 
 At the beginning we felt kind of free and anonymous with bitcoin, the same we felt at the beginning of the 90s with ip addresses, usenet and the web. Now the internet is a terrible surveilance machine and i am afraid bitcoin is becoming the same. Thats why anybody interested in personal freedom better get some Monero, now. 
 I never felt that, and I'm here since the beginning. It was always obvious that pseudonymity was not enough, and any attempt to partition funds was doomed from the start unless I never did transfers across wallets.

Incidentally, that is why I got into Monero very early on, I recognized the (should be obvious but apparently not) problem Bitcoin had, and still has. 
 Fully agree. Monero was an obvious iteration of Bitcoin as early as 2010. It took some time to materialise as at the beginning people thought those upgrades would come to Bitcoin.  
 I just finished a book called Tracers in the Dark by Andy Greenberg. And if you are a Bitcoin user, you should absolutely read it if you have not already. 
 Let's defend it together. 
 Let's do it 
 Absolutely! It's crucial to empower ourselves with freedom technology. Let's take the reins and defend our rights, ensuring our independence from corporate control! 💪🔒 #TakeControl #FreedomTech 
 Sorry, this is how I read "you're on one," and I couldn't resist. 😅
 Use a personal server from  @Start9 to manage your own private cloud, password keeper, Bitcoin & Lightning nodes, Nostr relay and more. (Use code MYDATA for 5% off).

Use  @GrapheneOS, a privacy and security-focused OS for your favorite Android device.

Use your favorite Linux distro for your computer.


 So true. Rights can’t be granted, must be taken. 
 Someone forgot to turn off Twitter mirroring for this...
 Private membership associations can help in this regard. @BITKARROT says there are a few bitcoiner groups that are doing this already. Anyone know of any? #Pma #privatemembershipassociation 
 Freedom technology we do! 
 Good post 
 You posted the exact same thing on Twitter.

Twitter is a not true freedom technology. 