> "The thing that concerns me more than shitposters and daft trolls is the chilling effect these far left Maoists wield over political discourse."
Too true. I still believe that it's because they're left-wing. Left-wing politics have always been seen as good, in the sense that left-wing politics are perceived as benevolent, philanthropic, caring for the little guy, fighting for equal rights, and all that stuff....where as right-wing politics are perceived as self-serving and uncaring, if not strictly easily-dismissed as "fascism" or "Nazism". Because of how much trust is placed on left-wing politics, leftism can get away with almost everything. That's why you can see AntiFa doing actions similar to what the Braunhemden (Brownshirts) did, but they will never be condemned, and certainly not compared to the Brownshirts nor any similar violent fascist activity. Meanwhile, if right-wing groups did what AntiFa does, people would be screaming ape-shit bloody-murder. The difference is that left-wing activities are "for a good cause" or "for the greater good"....of course, given what I hinted at earlier (the exploitation of trust), the insistence of good intentions can serve as a cover.
As for the Maoists and whatever far-leftists out there, they need to wake up and realize that Communism wasn't all that great. In fact, I'd argue that Communism was worse than Nazism....and Communism got to continue after WWII. Unfortunately, it's every excuse under the sun, like "tHaT wAsN'T rEaL cOmMuNiSm", and as such, Communism gets a free pass.
@Dave55811 @Alex Gleason Case in point:
Activist tankie editors on Wikipedia have tried to delete this page for years because it doesn’t go along with their preferred narrative…
The edit history and arguments presented are par for the coarse and should serve as an example to how far they will go to lie and obfuscate the truth as long as it serves their interests.
The question people should be asking is: If they would lie about well established, documented history - what else are they lying about? 🤔