Oddbean new post about | logout
 That is interesting! Imagine public school will never cut it when striving for the classical model… you go with home/world school then or research private schools within budget? 
 Just read your bio actually and answered my question lol. I still have a while to work on it but thinking of home schooling my 7 month old when the time comes.
You break things down daily by subject or just go without whatever comes to you and is relevant? 
 One beauty of classical education is that it connects all subjects, whereas the modern model isolates each subject and doesn’t encourage students to find/see the interconnectedness of the world. Instead of a “math person” or an “artsy person,” classical education connects them. For instance, music is just math in motion, which also is harmonics and frequencies from physics. Had I seen the beauty of math in music when I was in grade school, I would have loved music at an earlier age and not just been put on the engineering conveyor belt of the modern education system.

7 month old is the perfect time to begin exploring your options. Find what works best for your family.  Here’s a link to the program we do: https://classicalconversations.com/start-here 
 As Jack says, it depends… 

There are many great options these days, but each family has to find and decide which works best for them. My family is part of a Classical Conversations community, which is four days at home and then we meet with 25-30 families one day per week. Next year will be our 9th year, and it’s been a blessing for our family. We’ll homeschool through high school. That said, there is no wrong choice if you’re building lasting relationships with your kids and instilling character and virtue - and all of that is easier to do when the pedagogy prioritizes truth, goodness, and beauty.