很多人对比特币信仰的来源是认为比特币与能量挂钩,或者在社会学角度是和能源成本挂钩。那么第二个思想实验来了: 如果出现一种数字货币与能量双向挂钩,姑且就叫能量币,它与能量可以互相转换,简单理解一焦耳对等一能量币。 那么比特币会怎么发展?
Due to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, it is impossible to convert anything to energy and back without extra energy as input. So this hypothetical arrangement can't happen.
Basically it's a matter of quotation units. One energy coin can be exchanged for one joule, but it takes more than one joule to be mined, or one joule is mined for one energy coin, only to convert to less than one. Each energy coin must definitely be converted to the same amount of energy.
比特币代表的是能源和算力。 我猜比特币是当前文明过渡到下一文明阶段的一个大过滤器。 #ValueForBehavior