Woke up today with a feeling I could recognized coming from the depths of my being with a desire to be a mother...
It felt kinda new...
Maybe it was because id just been attuning to my strategy and design in my human design as an emotional solar plexus authority, and that there is never truth in the now, and that decisions are made overtime, measuring the years and the nows based on the fluctioating lows and high on the emotional scale...
And, also because I've been working with boundaries and not giving into the pressures of society, or other peoples demands, judgements and worldviews...
I come from a culture where the incessant "wen wen wen children...." literally for the last 2 decades has been a giant projection I've had to continuously bounce off....
So it was like this weird new feeling permeating in my body that I awoke with today... it was a live for a bit and I reflected on this beautiful dream and possibility... now off to living my best life single, happy and unrestrained by anybody else's demands 😅