Oddbean new post about | logout
Gigi | 16 days ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +199
 Dream flow: buy new phone, enter 12 words, done. 

Everything's set up, including my config, apps, contacts, etc. The 12 words are my nsec in this case ofc.  
 That would be nice.
 Make it so! 
 👀👀👀 @daylightco
I dream of a Nostr Linux distro where your config is saved to relays. Install anywhere and log in. 
 Basically .dotfiles on nostr? 
 Yes! Combine with some Nostr native file hosting for your home folder and you're set! 
 We have gistr, ngit, song, so it is alredy here 
 Ooh! I missed gistr. Cool 😎 
 Thanks, I'll look into those! 
 We would also like this a lot. It's been getting harder and harder to get new backdoors. 
 Thirteen for me. twelve words is my decoy persona. 
 Would be nice to use 12 words and a passphrase, then repeat with another passphrase to have a nice decoy phone. In case of coercive physical attack you would (temporary) lose controlo of your identity, but at least funds and data would remain safe. 
 Like a Sparrow border wallet. All you have to remember is a coordinate, a shape and a word. That’s only 3 things. 
 Almost with GrapheneOS. 

 Recovery code is 12 words 
 Not quite the same, as the graphene words secure the monolith, not the individual components, that, with nostr, may be stored on various relays worldwide 
 Blossom for storage. 
 Encrypt backup on (private?) relay, 
Decrypt backup with nsec,
 i think one of the next steps is to get a hardware company to develop something like this. 

I wonder if Android is programmable enough to pull this off.  
 Consider it in the works 🌞⚡️ 
 ...so like, configuration.nix but on nostr, encrypted...?

 not a bad idea 
 Do it 
 we can't have that because samsung 
 on it 🫡 
 I have thought about this also. 
 Read this thread. Paradigms are shifting...


You guys are so stinking smart 

 CalyxOS. Already got it. 
 nostr profile? I don't think so 
 If you meant it even automatically copies and pastes the key you use for backup into nostr, then no it doesn't do that yet. So create the app yourself. It'll be fairly easy. 
 Just use Calyx and its built-in backup, or derivatives of it (it's Apache licensed, there's no limit to the forks we could make of it!)

 I feel like this note explains most of what I need to know about some nostr builder's visions of the future. Not to put everyone in one basket, but my technology world view is essentially completely opposed to this. I don't even want a smart phone anymore.

 Planned for zap.store: automatic backups of your installed apps, optionally encrypted.

So maybe not the phone config, but apps and contacts definitely  possible to restore with npub/nsec.

Baby steps. First major release coming next week.

 That’s it. That’s digital identity. Done. 
 These 12 words might be as sensitive (if not more) than the words that allow me to send #bitcoin. They're the seed phrase for my digital identity, which is tied to rw identity. The downstream interactions are far more complex than something used to write txs on a timechain. 

If someone gets my bitcoin seed phrase, all that money in that wallet is gone; they can impoverish me. Someone gets my nsec, they can *be* me, which could be worse.

What can guard against this? Something like this: https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/issues/282

 Your digital identity should NEVER be that critical to keep private. There should always be a way to restart using a real life meeting. 
 this place is nuts  
 Part of why I like buying a new phone is because it DOESN'T have the mess I left on the old one... 
 Easy to do if you have a third party involved (they just record your config)

What I want is for this setup without a trusted third party and connecting to my own server. 
 Config saved to Umbrel server maybe? 
 Very yes 
 Would be extremely cool 
 👀👀 this would be awesome 
 But where would the phone get the data from? 
 "relays", ofc
 What would happen if you accidentally entered your nsec on a compromised website, application or device? 
 Would have been awesome. 
 The phone recovery 12 words are BIP-85 from the one true key that you protect, everything else is recoverable through derivation paths.

One seed to rule them all.