I now send my #zaps from #Amethyst using @OpenSecret via the Bitcoin Atlantis fedimint and the integrated NWC service. No account on Alby needed. No registration email. No sending large amounts of sats to open lightning channel. No nothing. In complete privacy. Already feels like living in the future.
And also by @primal 🤙⚡
This deserves a tutorial post somewhere so that more people can do it as well.
Sto ancora testando che tutto funzioni bene. Ad esempio sul tuo indirizzo lightning ho notato che lo zap non arriva e non so ancora se funziona negli zap split. Inoltre non so se sarei in grado di fare un tutorial, anche se in realtà ho trovato tutto molto intuitivo dalla prima apertura di Mutiny in poi.
hum... does it fail when sending to an Alby account or nothing happens?
So far it has only failed by sending to your lightning address
Now it worked, even with 2 sats
How can I send some sats to the mint ??? 👀
Have you already added a mint Federation?
Yeah, what's the next step 👀
Simply create an invoice of a few sats and send them from your other wallet
This is what peak enlightenment looks like
Where is the integrated NWC service?