Oddbean new post about | logout
 Relying on grants is not the way. You can’t grow your team on grants, its not even allowed as grants are only for individuals. Support client devs directly to have a larger impact and to properly build out a nostr ecosystem that isn’t all funded under a board of decision makers with 0 transparency, where if you make a post like this you likely won’t get your next round of funding and LTS. Don’t let VCs capture and control nostr.

GM nostr:note1kh87df4jtseet4g9uszzuea80hdtp9mtyyg444ujnmqaekpns90srldl0v 
 Will … WHO wants to control WHAT? 
 Anyone who controls 100% of the funding can pick the winners and losers and suppress people who threaten the winner. I think this is fundamentally wrong and I am just trying to encourage an alternative path. 
 I’m thinking of starting a non profit to build water wells in Africa. I will sit on the board and we will spread our grants to anyone who wants to build water wells.

Oh, and I’m a VC, who’s heavily invested in one of the companies that builds water wells and I’m concerned about my return on investment.

Don’t worry, I’m not biased, anyone can apply for a grant. Anyone.

And if you question my incorruptibility, just remember I’ve been building water wells since the beginning, I have a few paragraphs written on my website, and if you question my altruism, you don’t care about fresh water in Africa! 
 Corruption in a nutshell. 
 Corruption? Hes just trying to help people🙃 lol 
 People need a massive bear market or a massive god candle otherwise they get bored. 
 The bear times are the best times.  
 Of course it isn’t, and you’re wrong for even asking. 
 I'll be sure to tune in to your podcast to hear you hash out the truth of the matter with other people in your inner circle.  
 It’s the perfect forum to clear the air. Don’t forget to send me sats while I reaffirm my position in this ongoing conversation. 
 Done ✅  
 This exchange here is a good example.

 Oh Derek, I think we may have hurt your feelings.

Sorry for that. You can keep calling me troll, if it makes you feel better. I don’t care. 
 You say you don't care, yet you do. If you re-read the exchange, you are the one with hurt feelings by telling me to fuck off because I said you're trolling instead of providing an actual exchange or proposing a solution. I know what was said and didn't have to suggest that I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings. It's the other way around. Again, the thread speaks for itself. If you're jumping to these types of comments this early on, clearly there's something wrong. When you're ready to apologize, I'll be here. Until then, I'm going to keep practicing PV 🫂💜🤙🏻 the best way that I know how to do. 
 You called me a troll to elicit an emotional response, and then you used that response in an attempt to denigrate my reputation.

There will not be an apology forthcoming and I wish you all the best. 🤙 
 i appreciate you taking my advice and asking actual questions. you were able to get the answers that you've been looking for it seems?  
 You’re giving yourself way too much credit, but I suppose that’s to be expected.

I don’t see any answers to my questions? 

I see answers to other questions, that he may have thought I was asking. 
 Keep trying. You'll get it! 
 Why is everyone out of nowhere all upset about @ODELL @OpenSats? I'm really confused. 
 I am not angry at them, this is my take:

 Gotcha. I believe that makes sense. It would be unhealthy for large portions of the ecosystem to be centrally funded long term. Wide sustainability would take a large hit too. We need more funding models. That said, I don't think it's bad for these funds and VCs to exist and be utilized in the beginning, as long as they don't essentially become a requirement for success. They are absolutely fulfilling a need right now. 
 Definitely! I guess one time payments to those who applied would make more sense. You applied once got a fat grant and then sorry bro you are on your own instead of splitting into a small portions but let everyone to re apply whenever they feel the need. Just my 5 cents 
 I don’t think anyone is angry, more that people have questions that are not being given adequate answers. 

Brushing it off and directing people to a website, or having people who are heavily funded, or part of the inner circle of those in question, doesn’t alleviate concerns.

VCs and non profits are necessary, of course, but you don’t see the potential for a conflict of interest when a member of a board, is also a VC funding a competitor to those getting grants?

Or at the very least, competitors to the VC funded clients self censoring, to keep the lights on and receive grants? 
 I'm sure it gets tiring always having to explain it. This could be an issue if the board didn't have 9 people voting and it were much smaller. I don't see an issue because Odell wants the same thing that all of us want and has never given me a reason to question his motives or character. Until that changes, I'm going to let him continue on without any fuss. If and when that changes, I'll speak up about it then. 
 How will you know if it changes? People don’t usually broadcast their personal failures.

We shouldn’t ask questions, or cause a fuss, because it may inconvenience the hand that feeds the ecosystem?

I think this is the problem that this thread is referring to. 
 Asking questions is good. Blurring the lines between legitimate questions and being a forum troll is not helpful to the cause and most likely counterproductive. 
 Who exactly is being a troll? I’m not sure if that’s directed to me, Will, or anyone else who has participated in this ongoing discussion. If it’s towards me, you can fuck right off. 
 I guess my point has been proven. 

Derek, why are you playing games? 

Look through the thread and you can see that there are many people who have the same questions.

You can call me all the names you want. I have no anger or hate towards you. I’m all out of those feelings.

Have a good one. 
 This isn't a good look on you. 
 I appreciate the debate but IMHO it’s important to avoid personal attacks. Consider whether the label “troll” is appropriate when there seems to be a honestly held position. 
 Derek, we're not trolls.  Stop trying to shut down the debate with name-calling. 
 Debates are great. They are how you get answers. Trolling isn't a debate. He was trolling instead of asking questions. He eventually stopped trolling and asked questions. The questions were then answered once he stopped trolling and decided to have a debate. 🤙🏻🫂💜 https://i.nostr.build/GexXJ.jpg 
 He was feeling defensive because everyone was piling onto us for even bringing up the topic.

I can empathize. It's exhausting voicing a different opinion on here, sometimes. 
 I'm sorry that happens. We should feel it's okay to have different opinions and be able to debate them in a constructive manner. I know that I learned a little more than I had already known prior to yesterday because of the debate. And then if you get answers that are not good or you don't get them at all, I'm down for some old fashioned trolling and memes. 
 Why does “Derek Ross”’s tone always seem so condescending and insufferable? 

I can’t fucking stand reading this guy. 

Is this a decentralized project or not? 

People “who know better” is the start of all fiat collectivist bullshit. GFY 🧡🖕 
 Feel free to use the mute button, most clients support this functionality.  
 I got first round funding from @Blockhenge for “social onboarding” client. I pitched the idea all over Nostr last November. Made lots of noise until someone noticed. Now I’m wrapping up first round MVP. 

Grants from Bitcoin companies are ABSOLUTELY the way to get new Nostr projects off the ground. 

But the idea MUST to be well thought out, demonstrably impactful, and backed by proven talent.

Long term funding? … I haven’t even got to second round yet … but I’m glad Will is speaking up. 

Decentralization of funding is a real concern. I believe the sources are out there (smaller companies wanting to “show” their Nostr support) to fund great projects. But the “big players” are currently taking up a lot of space.  
 To be fair I’ve been critical pretty much from the start.

To wills point we don’t really need a middle man. 
 The middle man makes it easier for those that wish to donate and fund, but don't have the time or capability to determine whom receives said money. 
 Dude can't even afford a new keyboard with a working caps lock. 
 @saylor commented in some article from a #bitcoin magazine about ossification of the core code re ₿. Apparently his comment about “we shouldn’t storm out of the gates of the citadel something something something…”, maybe got sideways. Maybe not.  It feels like there was more to it than that, but it’s truly *nunma. I respect both he and @ODELL , but the latter is the developer and my primary allegiance is with him.  I need Saylor to do well and continue shouting out both bitcoin and #nostr tho.  Ideally both continue to do great things in their lanes.  

*none o’ my beeswax 
 Thanks for the answer. Well, it’s a fund with a Komitee which is better than an fund without one, no? Did you get VC and  if, what for? 
 Yes I still think @OpenSats are extremely valuable at this time, and I think they are doing a good job, I just want to encourage another path so the ecosystem doesn’t degrade in a negative way. I don’t see this as a knock against them at all, I just want to ensure there are counterbalances to power. I doubt @ODELL would disagree, I think he has said something similar in the past. Opensats is a stepping stone and is not a long term solution for nostr.

No i have not got VC, i’m supported by grants and damus purple users. 
 Cette mise à plat me semblait plus que  nécessaire après presque 18 mois de construction constante sans relâche et les outils que vous  développez .. cependant attention aux financeurs ce n'est pas souvent un gain d'autonomie et de plus il y a souvent ce fameux épée d'hamocles à la poursuite des résultats qui est source de pression ...dont vous n'avez guère besoin dans votre domaine l'imagination en elle-même est déjà source de pression mais positivement  
 Of course funding is no long term survival strategy. I agree, it’s all about power, always. But funding is a good way to find out how to protect the idea while working on how to earn money. I remember that #Art was a topic on the Damus start page. It’s not anymore. That’s just an example. I don’t see Damus efforts to bring divers ppl here. 
 C'est déjà une bonne  idée à la suite de toutes les interractions et interrogations partagées la semaine dernière...
En tous les cas rencontrant un soucis ubuesque d'ordre technique sur la configuration de mon portefeuille j'aurais aimé pourvoir contribuer aux dons pour les développeurs je verrai avec @VitorPamplona s'il serait possible qu'il m'aide quite à lui donner les clés..Je reçois souhaite redistribuer vers vous tous . 🙏♾️
Le portefeuille nostr n'est pas gardien de mes BTC  
 Good morning! 
 Library and SDK devs in shambles 

Nobody knows about us and won't support directly 😭 
 Maybe we could have weekly things where we client-side zap split for all zaps to random projects in the bitcoin and nostr ecosystem. Kind of like the damus zap splits but for random projects each week. 
 Any chance damus goes to android? I’m going to switch to graphene os at some point 


 For some reason I thought it was only iOS haha thanks 
 Have to build it, does not install with obtainium yet. 
 Two weeks™️ 
 @jb55 You're working on an Android version, right?  
 yes there is an android app being worked on, coded in rust. few months probably until early builds are released  
 Gm, will support nostr/bitcoin/ecash devs any way I can for life 🫡 
 Stop thinking in a fiat manner. 

Nostr is a new world. Don't drag your crappy old world BS into the new world. Think freely and grow! 

 Unfortunately grants discourage developers from exploring independent monetization strategies, as they become reliant on external funding. It’s like a drug, you always find the way how and where to get it 
 yeah exactly 
 Correct. Besides, Grant models haven’t exactly worked in Fiat research academia — centralization at every turn. One could debate whether it’s because of Fiat part of the equation or of the Grant model it self… 
 En qué cantidad de usuarios purple será suficiente para mantener a Damus a flote? Está cuantificado? 
 I think 2-3k subscriptions with the current expenses we have. We may have to cut the relay because translations are already quite expensive. We have a long way to go and I will be under the water for a while. 
 Es un número razonable y creo alcanzable, me preocupa es el tiempo que tomará alcanzarlo. Recortar funciones puede ser una opción, solo debes identificar la que menos impacte en los usuarios. 
 Yeah that’s definitely an interesting take — scaling down some options to incentivize people to upgrade to purple is worth looking into imo. That said, it’s always tough to go back on options people now take for granted😬 
 GM 💜🤙🏼 
 I think @jack knows how to entice VCs 😂.. It's not an accident that the government was using Twitter to try to control the world.  
 Totally agree, I applied months ago and never knew why my project was discarded. The lack of funding has hindered the development and consequently has hindered nostr

We cannot depend on grants to develop, in my opinion, the model you have adopted in Damus is the right one. 

I've been thinking for weeks about doing something similar with my service, it will be the only way to survive without having to ask for a handout. 
 He's right. 
 How do you feel about small Angel investors that both provide some amount of money (especially first round) and then provide different types of help / support? 
 Why is this post and some of it's replys being submitted to a nostr community I created? Weird. 
 Community vote ? 
 This is grants with extra steps. 

Why not let them come up their own monetization strategies?  
 We can put a board of people to decide who gets funding too 
 So only 1 person to decide where funds go? Seems sketch 
 We can let Michael Saylor decide who gets funding 🤣 
 🤣 someone had to say it 
 That was the joke 
 We can let Michael Saylor decide who gets funding 🤣 
 This is grants with extra steps. 

Why not let them come up their own monetization strategies?  
 As a contributor to Seedsigner - albeit a small one-, I support this statement 100%. 🎯