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 I can’t support filtering Coinjoins sorry @OCEAN pointing my hash somewhere else 
 For real!? 
 Knots not only filters out inscriptions, but also filters out Samourai coinjoins: https://twitter.com/SamouraiWallet/status/1732584009442443336 
 Woah thanks for info!!!! Crazy 
 I’d wait for evidence on this one. There’s lots of bullshit going around about @OCEAN filtering out inscriptions, people are overly emotional, and when they do that they make stuff up or they exaggerate shit to an absurd degree whenever anything has a hint of helping their position.

Wouldn’t surprise me in the least that this could be making the round even though it’s just people *equating* inscription filtering with coinjoin filtering and then sharing around “they’re filtering coinjoins!” This is basically par for the course every time some new drama unfolds.

I’ll wait for some very robust data before believing that one. 
 Samourai confirmed which was enough evidence for me to get spooked

 I actually take a lot of what’s Samourai says with a grain of salt too. I stopped using them when it was shared/suspected that the mobile wallet was sharing the xpub with them, and they just went on a spree of insulting people.

That doesn’t mean it’s true, but I couldn’t see anywhere that they denied it or explained why it would look that way. Maybe they are just rage Twitter users, but the convo of no clear answer to the claim & reacting like, with respect, fools - and over an issue that would essentially make their privacy wallet have the exact opposite of anything remotely private… just really turned me off. I haven’t gone back to them since.

I’d love to be proven wrong, but I’ve not taken the time to look into it again & it seemed like the one group with the incentive to prove it wasn’t interested. 

I’ll look at the published data when I get a chance. Will be doing an episode on privacy stuff soon anyway so it will be good to look into. 
 I can appreciate you giving everyone a fair opinion. But Knots is filtering out any transactions with more than 42 bytes after the op_return and Samouri is 46 bytes. 
 Ok it looks like Luke has confirmed this is a filtering based on the OP_RETURN byte limit. So it’s not specifically filtering coinjoins, they just happen to be over the 42 byte limits for whatever reason.

Both decisions seem odd to me, Luke says there’s no reason for using that many bytes, Samourai says the byte limit has been 80 for ages (which it has).

So now I’m curious what that data is for in this scenario. And why either side cares about this. Seems like both have the capacity to fix this if the excessive OP_RETURN data isn’t even necessary. Also curious if this is something that specifically distinguishes whirlpool transactions from other types (which there might be numerous other ways that this happens), just because it would seem beneficial to look as inconspicuous as possible rather than stand out in whatever way their use of that may imply.

In other words, this seems like something either party could fix potentially but knowing how stubborn they both are, it might not change. 
 Interesting analysis thanks Guy 
 Just look on twitter yourself. Both samourai and luke confirmed it, everyone is on the same page. This is not a rumor. 
 I just read through it all. I was only pointing out being skeptical to someone who seemed to be taking it at face value.

Accepting it because “everyone else is” is not the best strategy when it comes to this sort of social beef, imo. 
 What pool will you be using?  
 I moved over to Braiins for the time being 
 Lincoin was nice for a few months 
 I was going to use lincoin, is Braiins better? 
 Have one s9 miner on each right now to test 
 I understand this from a principled position, but from a practical one, Ocean only finds one block every week or so.   They will have no meaningful effect on ordinals or coinjoins.  

But if they can do what they are saying they will do, they will have a meaningful effect on the currently precarious state if mining .  I'll stay with @OCEAN for now and give them some time to prove themselves.
 Exactly this isn’t a monetary decision. I think Oceans luck has proved very profitable over the last few weeks. Im also not saying I won’t be back, if they can get rid of this blanket censoring of CJs I’ll be back 
 This is the way 
 Based, very based 
 Where is the indication that @OCEAN is filtering coinjoins? 
 Knots filters OP_RETURN bigger than 42 bytes. Whirlpool uses 46 bytes. You can find more information about this at the official samurai twitter account. 
 They don’t filter coinjoins, they just don’t allow long OP_RETURNs. Affects only Samourai, not other coinjoin implementations. Not even sure why they need that OP_RETURN. 
 #Ocean #mining doing good job. Somebody must come up sooner or later with spam filter and there is obviously spam in mempool. Even the “spam”’s author admits it’s spam but better spam as brc than erc, it has its purpose i guess and time will show …. and shitcoiners will bleed out …

But if there is also filtered hash power for pure #bitcoin TXs only and more decentralized at the same time, i am ok with it. It’s good for us, bitcoiners not shitcoiners, i also accept #mempool block space as the public space. So we can have like more kinds of hash and fx.hash at the same time … market and demand will decide this. https://image.nostr.build/737a5499b2280efe50ec8e7cb2a06ad4156e2723cacf35b3c545f7440e8285a3.jpg https://image.nostr.build/adb8f4cd1c6b8f72c8c1a93df34d2f39ff7a22e7a60a19221cfe0e487c372d8f.jpg https://image.nostr.build/fcfddb11458ecdcec13b525b33d0568b25c92f1684bfaac1ab6a030935ae82ea.jpg  
 I was vaguely under the impression that the whole point of ocean was that you could build your own blocks in some way rather than having it imposed upon you by the pool?

Is that not what Ocean is supposed to do? 