It's issuance *can* be audited because new Monero that is mined is briefly transparent as it enters so you can literally count them. Did you mean you can't *manually* audit it's circulating supply? You say this is an advantage, but in practice do you ever do it? How often have you manually audited Bitcoins circulating supply? I'm guessing never. Running a node is not the same thing. You're just relying on a node to do it all for you just like any Monero user would. But for what it's worth even Peter Todd, famous Bitcoin developer, doesn't consider Monero inflationary: "Surprisingly, Tail Emission Is Not Inflationary" "Monero has chosen to implement what they call tail emission...a fixed block reward does not lead to an abundant supply. In fact, due to the inevitability of lost coins, a fixed reward converges to a stable monetary supply that is neither inflationary nor deflationary." As for the dollar comparison. Major differences. Fiat issuance is centralized, unpredictable, and massive in comparison. All opposite of Monero.