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 Great move calling @moneyball a non-dev to piss him off and have him actually start writing code again :) 
 That’s harsh lol 

 @ODELL go to Bitcoin Japan and motivate him in person 
 🫡 Thank you for sharing their npub
Following and supporting them now. 
 How do? I’d love to figure out how I can contribute in a way pertaining to the photography community. I run a publication called @noicemag and I’d love to team up with some devs that could help me expand and grow here 
 Totally non dev normie checking in. Have listened to 1000’s of hours of
Podcasts audiobooks etc. I get it. Want to be a massive contributor, want to keep pushing for change. 


 What about a Guerrilla approach? Force-multiplication through indirect action? 
Working “By, With, and Through” partners to meet objectives. 
Setting Brush fires of freedom in the minds of men, then empowering them to carry the flame.  
@OPERATION BITCOIN  @Bitcoin Veterans 
 Cc: @ecurrencyhodler @nondiremanuel  
Check out the bitcoin product  discord server too.

 That’s two new follows for me. (I was already following @elsat 😊)

Project / Product Manager, Head of Product, Chief Product Officer … 
Good product managers are key to the success of any project past the PoC stage. 
 I got my Nostr keys on Alby on a laptop, because Damus wasn't open to all at that time.  I plan to help friends get theirs. Can they get public/private keys on a phone now? 
 Yes, on iOS we have Damus, Primal Nostur, NOS Social and other Apps that all can create new keys. 
 I offered my Technical marketing and Tech Product Management skills and nobody gave a shit  
 But you're helping anyway. 🤙 
 Offered where? You usually shouldn’t“offer”. Saying “my role is X I want to help is difficult approach, foss is chaotic, nobody has time to think of a role, you star small and do ask where help is needed and do whatever it is a foss needs help with. 
 How do you get a gig though? As someone who managed a fair share of planning and BI teams I don't see myself getting a gig like this in an open source project. 
 You can just start helping 
 yes. this is basically what nostr:nprofile1qqspw5udc2nzw6wsj3plrrphe0343744h0ucz9e4g248chl3w8kh03qpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduq3gamnwvaz7tmwdaehgu3wdau8gu3wv3jhvqgjwaehxw309amk7apww468smewdahx2falfwt did in late 2022. one day he just appeared and started submitting bug reports. 
 I understand in theory,  in practice does everything in the project get coordinated via gitgub and that's the place I want to go to find my utility? 
 It depends on the project 
 I volunteered as a PM to get started on my first crypto project. The project lead wrote a post-mortem about a failed product launch. I replied to him describing how a PM could help the next launch attempt succeed and joined the project based on a subsequent conversation.

I do find it difficult to be accepted as a PM in the decentralized world, although as the year have passed that resistance seems to be diminishing. Rather than "management"I tend to think of the work as "coordinatation", which tends to be perceived as less centralized and heavy handed.

One tactical step you could take is to create a GitHub project board from an existing project and try and do some initial organization of current issues. If you're not a contributor to the repo, try forking it and creating the board in your fork.

Hope that helps a little... 
 No need to ask permission when it comes to open source. Take your skills and find where they are needed… then DO 
 Do you mean just pick a project and go to the github repository to find what's needed.  
 Essentially yes. Or jump in the telegram or whatever other group and start talking with those already involved to find out 
 I started the project and hired myself. 😂 
 You could make a "playbook". I think many motivated non-developers in the project management/marketing could be really useful and I think you would have valuable first-steps and guidance for those that want to learn to work with engineers managing a their own projects in a professional manner.

I'm going to write this down for another podcast topic for when I have time, someday, and if you have interest of course.  
 What's your podcast? 
 A dead one XD. My co-host got busy with life and so did I so it got put on hold. He's not really interested in this kind of stuff anymore so it's going to need a revamp at some point. 

 Podcast don't die, they just pause for a while :)

I'll check it out! 
 You're right! Hosting is a lot of work (at least for me) and what I thought I wanted. Very trial and error, never really advertised nor had an audience to advertise to. Hoping to get a new co-host at some point or change the style, or do a better job solo. 

I'm pretty picky about my editing so it usually takes me a couple weekends to edit them up  
 Listening to the trailer, dude this is good. Yeah idk you should do it #v4v style and then get boosts. Screw ads, sponsorship = censorship.

I've done a bunch of work deep in the xml of podcasting 2.0 this week. There is a super nice community here if you have questions. People like RSS blue now for hosting I think.

I'm using castapod for my self hosted stuff. 
 Thank you! 

I meant advertising as in sharing/spreading it. Once I get my node set up the way I want, I believe I should be able to inject my lnurl into the feed and work with 2.0s right?

I actually host it on my own servers using a project I built 
 Also I meant host as in "radio host" XD I love hosting my tech stack, that happens anyway :) 
 It's your LN address not LNURL, but yes. You add these to the valueRecipient xml tags at the channel level.

Buuuut, you can do more granular splits. I made a few episodes on the raw xml stuff see "bitpunk.fm unwound" 

You can go through what I did, by hand editing the xml. And then you might learn that sovereignfeeds.com makes a decent way to help you craft the xml.

 Got it thank you! I built an XML editor into my CMS (it's actually a JSON editor that gets restructured into XML) so I can do whatever I want :) 
 Yeah, your crazier than I dude. 🤣 you're not wrong I just don't have the patience to build something like your vault.

I listened to your last episode, you should keep it up.

Regarding that episode, I think you gotta realize in every clan there's a person. Like you said, granny is mechanic, you may be the tech guy, this is how humans work. We "outsource" like this.

But it's better to outsource in the tribe (to Uncle Jim) than outside the tribe (exchanges etc..).

 Well I'm building an HTTP framework so, everything is a nail lol. I don't really have to build things from scratch you know. 

> I listened to your last episode, you should keep it up.
I appreciate it! I really plan to. When I started that pod, I was figuring out how to transition out of my old field (automotive) into some sort of tech field, so I was (and still am) learning about the professional tech world.

> But it's better to outsource in the tribe (to Uncle Jim) than outside the tribe (exchanges etc..).
100%, and that's a message I will continue to repeat for sure 
 I also want to say regarding your last episode. I totally agree re everything you said about EC keys. But nip05 can help a bit here. 

If your key gets leaked, yes you will burn this npub, but you can move your nip05 verification.

I don't know if people look that closely, most people are just getting verified by these giant services.

But for our own domains runners like you and I, it's maybe a guardrail.
 Yeah that's a good point, but you can't transfer your followers though, not a huge deal for me, but that can be a huge deal for larger accounts. I mean it would still suck to get reach on sharing things too. I suppose things like WOT could help if you reach out to friends shortly after your key was compromised. 

I still hope we can come up with something similar to certificate chains to help transitions like this. 
 If you want a hosting company that supports PC 2.0 @RSS Blue and Podhome.fm are great options. 

I like RSS Blue for musicians or people wanting to do a V4V music show

Podhome for podcasters since they have some great AI tools to help you built your show. 

You can also host it all yourself like Bitpunk did, once you figure it all out. 😉  
 Baller name :) 
 Start compounding relevant proof of work 
 show up and take the initiative. I watched @elsat do this in real time with damus. pick a project, find who builds it, follow them, review github issues and pull requests, come up to speed on the project and where it’s at, help facilitate and triage stuff. 

in OSS the onus is on you. 
 I taught him how to play Black Jack. I’ve never seen a fire in a humans eyes ingnite in real time as he doubled down. 😀 
 Where these opportunities at??? Been looking for these opportunities and I only ever see dev positions out there 
 Start contributing to an open-source project that you use in your spare time, do small janitorial work, most new FOSS need help with basics: documentation, support, marketing, strategy, as you get merits and learn technical side of the project you can take over release management, etc etc 
 Great idea! 🙏 
 I'd love to find how and where I can be of highest service and contribute to the space. 
 @jdwagner17. Yes, we need more resources like time & energy to flow towards improving and increasing the use of bitcoin 
 Let's talk about abouts: https://scalarschool.medium.com/the-onion-model-for-bitcoin-open-source-development-7d7dc07ce479 And I would love to have the point of view of who is hiring, who is looking for jobs, who is indexing the grant opportunities, etc. I obviously don't have all the answers, and I tried to be neutral and resist the test of time even if it is less effective and less to the point. But if I see. Someone. In a Q&A to an SME in Bitcoin development. Asking. Why is Bitcoin not sticky enough. I'll act out. 
 Quite solid! Good job. 
 Who is hiring? 
 Don't work for the state, act on principles. 
 I mean yes, I can't see myself ever working for the state. 
 A great way to contribute is simply by using freedom tech, not saying it's difficult and "not for me" without trying. One step at a time at your own rhythm, but act on it. 
 We should do a podcast about this! 
 need more viable businesses with more product roles as well as more product people creating businesses so more people are able to earn value for providing value. 
 Be careful calling him a non dev… I heard @moneyball built some bad ass Java shit in a clean room. 
 It's easy to understand how to contribute being a dev: you look at the issues list on github and write code to fix them. 

However, it's not so easy to understand how you start contributing as a project manager in an open source project where there's no hierarchy nor regular jobs. 

Why and how the devs would want to be managed by me? I'd love to understand that better.  
 Because you’re not managing them you’re doing work nobody else wants, you’re a janitor! https://medium.com/all-things-product-management/product-manager-you-are-664d83ee702e 
 Ok, let's say I can and want to be a Bitcoin core PM. What would it look like for an open source decentralized project as Bitcoin? That's what I think it's not clear for me nor for anyone else.  
 How, sir? 
 Oki had an idea back in 2022.
That i think is still important to have in nostr.
(Kind of nip)
Tomorrow i will send you a dm 
 Any source for more infos? 
 Any recommendations for how front-end devs can contribute?  I'm a react / react-native developer and would like to help people who are building nostr clients (as opposed to the protocol).   
 Literally every second FOSS project doesn’t have a good website! We need help with stratumprotocol.org as well here’s a repo https://github.com/stratum-mining/stratumprotocol.org 
 For Nostr I have no idea, not my area of expertise 🙃 
 I love nostr but I still do not get it as a whole. It seems nostr is not inevitable because it does not have the incentive structure like Bitcoin. Bitcoins scarcity is part of why it's inevitable. Nostr misses that. 
What I do for a few months is I give away 30 Dollar in Sats every month to people who never used Bitcoin. approx. 5Dollar each. I will start give another 5 Dollar to people if they use nostr and open a lightning wallet. (I myself didn't do that yet) 
 Viva la resistance! 
 This was a great response Cindy! Sharing understanding of methods of purchasing, storing, processes to protect yourself, how to manage portions for a child’s future, how to secure a copy of your words, what it is! Like what is this technology and what does it accomplish.