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 War has no justice system. The stronger wins the battle in general. Courts and justice do not decide a battle shortterm.

And yes. Israel seems to delegitimize its war against terror, since they show no respect for civilist. War against terror they can never win like this. Since they give too many people newmreasons to joine a terror organisation. 
 The Israeli terror organization is unmatched. 
 Yes. But they show again and again, that their tactics do not really support a strategy for longtime safety. It is short time thinking all the way.
At least they respect their people more or less. Where Hamas and Hisbolla protect their equipment and generals behind big civic buildings. I think I respect Israel more of the two wardrivers. 
 Israel does not respect its people any more than Hamas does. I had heard this in general terms from Israeli expats long ago, but never really believed it.

The "Hannibal Doctrine" was on full display on October 7th, with a level of depravity I never expected. As many as half the Israeli casualties died of white phosphorus burns, a weapon Hamas operatives did not carry.