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 There’s zero justice in murdering thousands of women and children. Should have never happened. nostr:note19a80wwkjh7tdwquewwnlug4d0y9jy5k80f7kd8ctumx3xn3yfl3sf9tcuv 
 Tens of thousands. The evil empire didn't even choose predominantly military installations to nuke. They targeted civilians. Heinous act. 
 Should I be blamed for that decision, and/or the fact that my grandfather was in the military and mapped the course of one of those? 
 No..what? No 
 So in your view his dad was Japanese then? 
 Ah missunderstood your consperacy theory. Was about pearl harbor. I thought you say the bombs have been an inside job 😂 
 If Pearl Harbor hadn’t of happened, neither of them would have happened.  

Nagasaki is harder though not impossible to defend.

Hiroshima on the other hand? Yeah. Understandable and perhaps justifiable (though *just* may be too a strong of a word for me, I’m not sure there is any *just* in war,. *Justifiable* vs just seems less certain). 

Without it, we likely need a D-Day like landing in Japan sacrificing a bunch of American lives, who hadn’t entered the war until Pearl Harbor.

And all of this debate ignores something else.

The fire bombing of Tokyo likely killed more people & did more destruction. And the US  intentionally targeted the wooden structures with the intent that the napalm would ignite it all (which it did) creating a conflagration. The wooden structures were in the residential area of Tokyo which, unsurprisingly, resulted in mass civilian casualties.

Everyone brings up dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But how do you feel about fire bombing Tokyo? 

To me, that’s harder to wrap my head around. Hiroshima at least had a large concentration of military and munitions facilities. 
 Pearl Harbor was like 9/11. Yes, it was attacked by Japanese bombers but the circumstances around it screams inside job. 
 You think Pearl Harbor was an inside job? Or as you messing with me? Please say you’re messing with me. 
 I am not messing with you. I don't think you care to know but there is plenty of documentation outside of the propanda of the time and what is taught in schools. 
 These idiotic conspiracies are fxxking dumb. 

Are there advance signs for such big events? Always. But there’s a reason there is an expression “hindsight is 20/20”. There’s another issue here. Both luck & incompetence are constant forces in the real world.

Take just a few months ago. 

Trump doesn’t turn his head or the shooter is slightly more competent and he’s dead.

Fast forward 50 years and you can see some conspiracy about how the shooter *intentionally* missed. There’s *zero* evidence that’s the case.

And yet, Trump lives. 
 Pearl Harbor was almost certainly a false flag operation so that the US could change public opinion to enter the war. 
 If you honestly believe this then you’re a fxxking idiot. 
 This is a pretty mainstream theory that's been in circulation since at the latest the 80s.

It's an accepted fact that America wanted to enter the war and was actively trying to figure out how. 
 *America* did not want to enter the war. If that’s what *America* wanted we have already entered the war as nothing was stopping us.

When people make this statement they mean *FDR* wanted to enter the war.

This is correct or at least that he wanted to know whether we were all in or all out. And there’s zero question he did at least appreciate the fact the question was definitively answered with Pearl Harbor.

There was some hay made around the fact that a good amount of the naval fleet wasn’t in Pearl Harbor at the time. Okay.

But do we honestly think the Japanese wouldn’t take full advantage of what was left if they were competent? If so, why weren’t the above ground fuel reserves not hit? Admiral Yamamoto, the architect of the Pearl Harbor attack, told them to hit it and said something to the effect of, “whatever you do, make sure to hit the fuel depot.” But they’d didn’t. But it was there! That would have set us back 2-3 years.

So you’re telling me FDR had the foresight to send some part of the naval fleet into the pacific but not to figure out how to protect the fuel reserves?

Or was this some sort of double false flag? Of course not. That’d be stupid. 
 cool story bro

since you already know everything I'm out. 
 I don’t know everything but I know more than you. Hence why you’re out. 
 "False Flag" overstates the case by more than a little, unless you have evidence I'm unaware of? 
 US military is and was crule. It is probably mostly luck and good work after the wars which helpt that it is no desaster for all future. The Japanese recuperated as a strong country. 
 I respect everyone's opinion, but such views leave me feeling somewhat perplexed. 
 What. When one argues that murdering children and women is unjust? 
 no - of course not. 
 Thanks for clarification. 
 love is baselayer & slaughtering humans isn't 
 If anyone commited murder against them, it was their own government.

Self-defense is not murder.

 War has no justice system. The stronger wins the battle in general. Courts and justice do not decide a battle shortterm.

And yes. Israel seems to delegitimize its war against terror, since they show no respect for civilist. War against terror they can never win like this. Since they give too many people newmreasons to joine a terror organisation. 
 The Israeli terror organization is unmatched. 
 Yes. But they show again and again, that their tactics do not really support a strategy for longtime safety. It is short time thinking all the way.
At least they respect their people more or less. Where Hamas and Hisbolla protect their equipment and generals behind big civic buildings. I think I respect Israel more of the two wardrivers. 
 Israel does not respect its people any more than Hamas does. I had heard this in general terms from Israeli expats long ago, but never really believed it.

The "Hannibal Doctrine" was on full display on October 7th, with a level of depravity I never expected. As many as half the Israeli casualties died of white phosphorus burns, a weapon Hamas operatives did not carry. 
 Not just in the least. 
 Violence Doesn’t Justify Violence. 
 El fin nunca justifica los medios. El lanzar esas bombas no fue consecuencia, fue una decisión. Estaban listos para hacerlo y lo hicieron.

Se suele pensar que los conflictos escalan porque no quedaba otra opción y no es así. Escalan porque las partes están listas para hacerlo y cuentan con el apoyo. 
 Nothing the federal government does is justified. 

0% of it’s actions are legitimate 

Everything the federal government says is a lie
Everything the federal government has is stolen 
 They didn't even use atomic bombs.
No evidence of anyone ever using them, in fact. 


Fear will make people believe and play along with anything.  