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 Except ye repent, ye shall likewise perish!

Like Assyria in Ezekiel 31, the US is a tree in the garden of nations.

It was beautiful in its greatness, in the length of its limbs,  for its roots extended to abundant waters.
The cedars in the garden of God could not rival it;  the cypressesa  could not compare with its branches,  nor the plane treesb  match its boughs.  No tree in the garden of God could compare with its beauty.
I made it beautiful with its many branches,  the envy of all the trees of Eden, which were in the garden of God.    Ezekiel 31:7-9

The last Assyrian aqueduct was decommissioned in 1996 after 4000 years continuous operation.  It was truly a great empire.
Like Assyria, the US has aspired to global hegemony, extending the American empire to the entire globe.

Therefore this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Since it became great  in height and set its top among the clouds,  and it grew proud on account of its height,
 delivered it into the hand of the ruler of the nations, for him to deal
 with it according to its wickedness. I have banished it.
 the most ruthless of the nations, cut it down and left it. Its branches
 have fallen on the mountains and in every valley; its boughs lay broken
 in all the earth’s ravines. And all the peoples of the earth left its 
shade and abandoned it.'
    Ezekiel 31:10-12

Also read Habakkuk 2 with the Five Woes against Babylon.  God appointed the Chaldeans to bring down the Assyrian empire, and calls Nebuchadnezzar son of Nabopolassar "My servant".  God calls Nebuchadnezzar to discipline his people in Judah, which he does with fairness and impartiality.  "Thus saith the Lord, Nebuchadnezzar has the same complaint against Judah that I do - they have made a covenant with Me and have broken it."    See also Ezekiel 17

But in the 4th generation, Babylon becomes utterly corrupt, and falls to Cyrus of Persia.  Some of the 5 woes:

Woe to them that amass wealth based on debt!  (sound familiar?)
Woe to them that gain wealth by violence (sound familiar?)
Woe to him that gives his neighbor drink, to uncover his nakedness (how most US politicians and officials are blackmailed - a party, a drugged drink, awaken in a hotel room with a photo on their chest).