Oddbean new post about | logout
 @HODL triggers the ops constantly like I do. It’s bc he is trying to teach these idiots to stop making excuses for their lives and have some personal agency. The self help coach they didn’t know they needed. Lol he gets thru to me too. Stop being a pussy! 
 Something I’ve learned over the years is that being helpful comes off as hurtful and being callous comes off as  caring. 

People hate when you believe in them and think they can be more, because then they feel pressured to change. To endure discomfort. 

People love when you treat them like low agency losers who are incapable of change, because then they can stay comfortable. 

To me the latter feels like callous disregard and the former feels like loving guidance. 

But somehow it’s reversed in the minds of most recipients. 
 They are projecting too. So much of online content is pure projection 
 Putting yourself in others shoes requires abstract thought. Abstract thought requires high iq. They don’t know any better. 
 I would say 99.9999999% lol 😂 
 brutal honesty is easy 

compassionate honesty is hard  
 It’s just honesty. Whether its received as brutal or compassionate is in the mind of the beholder. 
 And if anything triggers you, it’s bc it has truth to it. Otherwise it wouldn’t. Trust your feels. 
 Being “triggered” is a gift in this way. I like when I feel that feeling because it gives me cause for reflection. 
 you definitely look fat in that dress