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 I impromptu interviewed a social engineering hacker. https://m.soundcloud.com/junsethsworld/interview-with-a-social-engineering 
 Awesome eye opener about social engineering attacks 
 this was the wildest thing I've listened to in awhile. cheers for getting him to talk. 
 you clearly social engineered him to give you the full playbook 
 Welcome back! 
 How much of what he said do you thonk is bullshit? A lot of his story comes off as braggadocio, some of which seemed downright adbsurd. He has an "associate"  whose balls haven't even dropped, but he like some sort of scammer savant passing as Vincent Adultman, fraud prevention specialist? People are slinging McClarens for random bags of crypto? He's not even 21 but pops bottles of Dom at the club with his other underage degen frens and then goes back to his parents' house? 
 It's not 100% bullshit. However, the kid is a sociopath. This behavior is textbook antisocial with goes in lockstep with being a compulsive liar. 
 Yes a lot of his story didn’t line up. He drives a McLaren but lives at home in SF but said “everyone moved to LA”. Said some other guy stole his money and took off but when asked about the guy that left starts talking about some other guy that only made 10k. 
 Yes, I was thinking maybe I misheard him on the story about all his friends moving to LA to scam together, because that sounded ostensively batshit absurd; like the sort of thing an asshole kid would make up without realizing how logistically inconsistent that is with shit he also just said. Adding to that, this is a kid who talks about money like he has only spent time lying about it. The cognitive age that he is at, there is no way that he  looks at hundreds of thousands as video game money, if he actually had it.  
 Sounded like a full on confession to me. Maybe I little excess bragging but still. 
 I think the only things that are maybe even half-true are the oddly specific logistics and details about the scam. Evereything else sounded like a failure-to-launch 20-something would make up to impress losers.  
 I have 3 kids and he sounds a lot like my son and his buddies who played Minecraft. That kid knew way too much to be lying. 
 Pathological liar
And there’s probably tiny percentage of truth 
 This was very good. Thank you, Junseth 
 Sounds interesting. Is it only on SoundCloud?  
 I listened on Fountain 
 available on antennapod...sharing from there links it as soundcloud 
 Can someone also social engineer you to use #Nostr more? 
 Just send fat zaps 😀 
 Also, you probably want to stop using @Wallet of Satoshi in the USA. 
 Oh shit are we donating sats to WoS by zapping him? 😂 
 Seems he missed the last half year of wallet drama. 
 Fat zaps for fat dude. Feed me and my child. 
 It was unreal I listened yesterday 
 Junseth did us all a service. Amazing interview.

I impromptu interviewed a social engineering hacker. https://m.soundcloud.com/junsethsworld/interview-with-a-social-engineering 
 Hey Junseth, you could use notepress to spin up your own blog that uses long form nostr notes instead of relying on Tumblr. Wouldn't be too hard to switch. Food for thought 🤔  
 Curious why not Habla.news? What is notepress? 
 Habla.news is a client for writing long form notes. Notepress is a simple front end you can self host that just displays long form notes. So you could use habla to write them. They would show up on your notepress. Notepress is a personal blog that you can put on your own site that displays your long form articles. 

 utxo sighting 🪦 
 That was fucking insane, that kid is a sociopath. 

“Everyone gets the price they deserve” != “I get to thieve and they get a lesson as a cost” 
 This was awful, entertaining, informative, incredible. 
 I thought it was interesting your first question was “are you a fag?”… 
 > “No I just got my dick blown …” 

Brilliant “social engineering” maneuver to open him up.  
 “By a guy?” lol 😂 my favorite part 
 The whole fiat system is one giant social engineering campaign 
 kids are gonna cold call everyone who went to Ohio State 
 A fascinating interview
 Conversation was nutty!  
 Bookmarked for later since everyone says it's good. 
 it's worth it  
 You caught him sniffing his own farts. 
 instant classic 
 If this guy is a scammer and not a show you put on for us, he definitely dropped some information that should get him and others arrested like today. Sure there was some bragging with lies but I doubt he managed to make that all up on the fly.

What I found most surprising was how he didn't come to his senses during any of those awkward pauses. Maybe his biggest lie is that he's doing this since years cause I find it hard to believe you were the first to try to get some info out of him. 
 did you listen when he mentioned that "no one" ever gets arrested? or when he said that social engineering is not even a serious crime? or that there are a lot of other kids doing the same and living their life without any worries? 
 Yes, I did but with such a confession ... him getting doxed could be quite detrimental. Even if he does not get jailed for fraud, the IRS might also want to talk to him. 
 Yea he doesn't understand he is committing tax fraud as well by not reporting and even admits funneling money through his business also money laundering. Eventually he will be welcomed to Law might not like the results. Pieces of garbage doesn't understand he is destroying lives on the other side. Justifies it like a video game 🤦 
 ‘Episode 74 - Interview with a Social Engineering Hacker’ is on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/AL32HQUaAZ9tJziEA 

 Best part of this interview was an episode popping up after 2(?) years of hiatus! 

Glad I kept the podcast subscription!  
 and you absolutely nailed it 🫡 
 Donated to the journalistic organization you work for. Great work. I recommend others to donate, save journalism today!!
 This is insane.

Get your coins off exchanges people, Jesus.

Monero is perfect for criminals. No wonder there's so much "support" for it. They're just laundering money for these guys.

 I kinda thought it was fake until he started talking about how good he was, sounded like every wannabe mechanic i have ever talked to. 
 I don't think thieves get many chances to brag about their exploits, so it makes sense he would just start bragging when the script broke. It's a shame any way you cut it, whether he was telling the truth or stretching it or just lying. 
 Worth the time to zap the note. Well done.  
 For those using a client that can't see the text of the link:


Chuck an https:// in front of it 
 ✅ Optimism Airdrop Round 2 Is Live! 

 👉 https://telegra.ph/optimism-05-08-6 Claim your free $OP. 
 What “data” are these kids getting, what lists?! @juneseth 
 That was crazy. 
 Stay hère with US it's not a Ghosttown 
 Meet Junseth

 Can't listen: "You have not provided a valid SoundCloud URL." 
 This is the most entertaining recording I have come across in a long time. Thanks for taking the time to share it.

In the process of listening I realized all of this is made possible because of KYC. 
 The dude's friend is gonna get caught .. he told all the names he bought in minecraft 
 Crazy 🤯

 He potentially doxed his mate and by extension, if it's true that they hang out together, himself. Finding the guy who owns the name Coinbase on Minecraft shouldn't be that hard. If they have all the crypto they claim to have, him and his mates are a honey pot for other hackers and extortionists.  
 Taken down? @junseth 
 Great interview 
 Looks like it was taken down. What’s the TLDR? 
 Dude tried to scam junseth. Junseth recorded the whole call and got him to talk for 20 minutes bragging about all the shit he and his friends do to scam and what they do with the stolen money. Dude claimed to be young and have started this path at the age of 13 and most in the business are minecraft players. Friend paid $100k for the name "Coinbase" on minecraft. Dude is a professional liar so it's not clear how much of it was completely made up or why he would not hang up even after repeated awkwardly silent moments. 
 It’s not available. Where can I find a copy? 
 Great work.  
 Do you have a direct download for this? I listened to it once, but since I got scammed today, I probably need to listen 1000 more times. Fml 🤦🏼‍♂️ 
 Nevermind, I figured it out, I just downloaded it from nostr. Though I'm about 1/3 the way through the Peter McCormack interview. Very insightful.