NEW BITCOIN INFINITY SHOW EPISODE! Peter Dunworth is back for BIS #124! We catch up with Peter after about a year, hear about everything he's been up to, and cover plenty of philosophical topics! Out on Nostr only, one day early! #NostrOnly Check out for Bitcoin: The Inverse of Clown World, and more! @knutsvanholm @lukedewolf
Fountain link:
Does nostr:nprofile1qqs9qwtwe5kxvcmhswk5kttn2nnrh27jkue762f35w6sk5us4qqjjggpr9mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuumwdae8gtnnda3kjctv9uklhl2m still have control of his nsec?
Unsure, but he should consider using Nostr more regardless!
Sure do :)
I always enjoy catching up with Peter Dunworth! We had a great time in this episode! It was recorded before we launched Bitcoin: The Inverse of Clown World and before our awesome week in Riga, just FYI on the time continuity! nostr:note175h94rm9sp8wsyvyzsmpcyf762lv7enp3nzqjguwdvxv6fgffduskztrj8