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 Is the Paleo diet worth a try? #asknostr 
 & ask @Tanksen 
 Da sind viele Dinge drin, die ich sofort unterschreibe 👍🏽
Keine „grains“ kannst du mit Buchweizen (Pseudo-Getreide) gut umgehen.
Was gut ist: kein Brot. Da purzeln die Pfunde 😁
Aber man am Besten die Ernährung so, dass du es möglich nachhaltig durchhalten kannst.
Lieber mit kleinen Stellschrauben beginnen und diese dann als Routinen etablieren. 🙏🏽
So lange es eine gesunde Mischkost ist, möglichst wenig verarbeitet Lebensmittel, ist das auch Top 💪🏽🔥 
 Ich glaube ich muss eher ein paar Pfunde zulegen 😅 
Ich will einfach weg von dem ganzen schlechten Zeug wie z.B. raffiniertem Zucker 
 do you have a reason why you prefer carnivore? 
 Well I am not on full carnivore yet like 80% at the moment. Soon hopefully going full. I feel much better I am losing weight slowly in a healthy way. More satisfied with the food. I have more energy. Red meat gives you all the necessary stuff you need. It will not get boring because you can make a lot of different stuff. You can mix some veggies or fruit in your diet along with meat from time to time but try to buy 100% organic. I try to get it from small farms around my city. Cut out seed oils, use butter, beef tallow or extra virgin olive oil. That will help also. 
 Also carnivore is not eating only meat, you eat everything that comes from animals: eggs, milk, cheese, cream cheese etc 
 Yes. 👌 
 can you recommend any books / recipes / websites? 
 I can recommend to buy only at your local farm. And eat only unprocessed food. 🤷🏼

For me books like Fiat-Standard, Beef & Bitcoin and changing from super-market to eat/buy only at local farmer (Meat, raw milk, eggs, honey) changed a lot.