I'm going to disagree, Jesus has some good lessons though.
What evidence would you find persuasive? 🤙
Why do I need to be persuaded? It's ok to disagree.
Well, because truth has consequences. If your loved one disagrees about, say, bitcoin, wouldn't you want to persuade them? Wouldn't you want them to see and enjoy the same benefits from it that you have? As with bitcoin, so with anything true--there is such a thing as being right or wrong about it. 🤙
🎶my god is better than yours, and the walls of my house are so thick I hear nothing at all🎶
Would you, or anyone you know, die to defend the truth of a 'fairy tale'? Perhaps there's more to this story than you've yet considered... 🤙
I wouldn't either. So, why would *every one* of the apostles prefer to die rather than renouce the resurrection? Doesn't it make you wonder a little?
Next your gonna tell me Jesus was a white man https://media1.tenor.com/m/rTyAcum1sJkAAAAC/blackink-crew-van.gif
What an odd thing to say. He was and is a Middle-Eastern Jew.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKJuKPB7WYg very relevant
No, I hear. I can appreciate a certain level of skepticism--but when skepticism becomes one's faith, that's out of balance. Investigate the claims of Christ for yourself, as I did. You may be surprised at what you find. [The gospel of John](https://esv.org/John+1) 🤙
Fair. As someone who had it shoved down his throat for 18 years, I would agree to disagree. I'm glad you find reassurance in your faith, almost envious. To not worry and just say well it's God's will.
I don't really care is my point. I have my views, I support your right to have your views. If I'm wrong I'm wrong. Oh well. If my views have negative consequences then I guess I'll take those negative consequences. I don't believe Jesus is alive.
Well...how would you answer a loved one who responded about bitcoin as you have above? The consquences of being wrong about Jesus are a bit more serious than being wrong about bitcoin. Perhaps there's more here than you've considered? But I won't be pushy here, fellow #pleb, I've said my piece. "I am *the* way, *the* truth, and *the* life; no one comes to the Father except through me." [John 14:6](https://esv.org/John+14.6) 🤙
I don't care if my family uses Bitcoin or not it's their choice. I'm not going to try to make them do anything with their money. When they said "I'm going to disagree" I would just say ok.
I too would stick to persuasion over coersion in both realms.
I want to be very clear just so we know we aren't enemies, I'm not against Christians and if you look at some of my older notes that's very obvious. I'm just not a believer myself. Just wanted to state that so you know.
Oh--I didn't get that at all, but I appreciate you saying it. 🤙
Bitcoin is mathematical truth, if you disregard it you will get crushed financially (physical realm). Jesus is the truth, he can save your soul and give you eternal life. There is more than materialism!