I hate to say this. but all measures we have now are barely effective. I have been trying to figure this out, but its very difficult. Best way to take all of this out. move to paid relays.
Which relays can you recommend?
石川県に大雨特別警報 🎉 🤔 気象庁が緊急会見「ただちに身の安全を確保して」 💯 ▼詳しくは画像をタッチ https://x.com/tv_asahi_news/status/1837349012246253783
https://nostr.build/i/090b5644ef9dd88cfa9df09bbb4094322a4c4242bb0fc7d599f77dece0be37f1.gif #meme #memestr #nostrmeme #bitcoin
Yes but he still has more Bitcoin than you do? He 👍 is totally 🤔 outbitcoining 👍 you. He's winning, you're losing. 🎉 Bitcoin only works 🎉 if you 🔥 have more than 🤔 the 🎉 other guy.
自分のコードが謎になってきてる 😂 👍 👍 🔥
'Reclaim your 👍 mind 😂 and get it out of the hands 🌈 of the 🎉 cultural engineers who want to 🌈 turn you into a half-baked 🔥 moron consuming all 👍 this trash that's being 🎉 manufactured out of the bones 🎉 of a dying 🎉 world.' Terence McKenna https://media.giphy.com/media/f4jVSpmwGMW2lA48Ia/giphy-downsized-large.gif #wisdom #philosophy 🤔 #psychology #spirituality #poetry 🌈
もり一行列 👍
司马南被路人拒绝握手,这视频是最全的版本,能听到路人原话,好多版本把蓝衣服路人截掉了。视频可见,夹头老师最后2秒确实变脸了,极其不悦。 https://imgbed.lepidus.me/file/1726980800675_VID_20240922_125153_700.mp4
'Reclaim your mind and 😂 get 🌈 it 😂 out of 😀 the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you 🤔 into a half-baked 🎉 moron consuming all this trash 🔥 that's 💯 being manufactured 😂 out of the bones of a dying world.' 😂 Terence McKenna https://media.giphy.com/media/f4jVSpmwGMW2lA48Ia/giphy-downsized-large.gif #wisdom #philosophy #psychology #spirituality 🔥 #poetry