Oddbean new post about | logout
 I know Jordan Peterson is divisive for some. I think this is some solid advice in this short video. Basically visualize what you want and where you want to be in 5 years. Write it down. Separate it by every category: intimate relationship(s), family relationships, friends, home, work, finances, community contributions, etc. Know what you’re aiming for, what you’re working for then be willing to do the work. 

I’ll be taking some time today to think and write about this. 

 he has an interesting self-authoring program, which i'd be interested in 
 Hadn’t heard of it, so looked it up, very interesting. Might try it myself. 

Here’s a link if anyone else is interested. 

 there have been a couple of videos on youtube which he talked about the program a lot, might give you some further insight

i used to watch his content a lot when i was a lot younger 
 Divisive only for dumb people. Wise people know what is a good advise independently from whom they hear ot 
 Happy New Year! 🥂 
 Thanks for sharing, i have been thinking and ruminating on this exact topic as well 
 Happy New Year! 🥂 
 I appreciate his old lectures and understand where he's coming from. Definitely helped me move towards a positive direction. Now seems more of the same old, capitalizing off of being anti woke so I've kinda stopped following him. Really appreciate his work nonetheless 
 Big Jordan fan, thanks for sharing! 
 Yeah , makes total sense. If you don't know where you're going , theres every chance's of getting there are slim.  
 Jesus this comment is retarded , need to lay off the wine . 
 It’s New Years Eve I think you’re allowed a bit of wine tonight! 
 Ah , good woman , you're as right as rain .  
 #JordanPeterson gives some good advice here. I didn't take much notice until this:
