Oddbean new post about | logout
 What are zaps for, is this some kind of business model?  Is it necessary, why does every single nostr client have them? 
 It's a way to show appreciation for a post that's more tangible than a like!
Also can be the basis for some Value4Value models.

(Not sure about your second question) 
 Set up zaps, get some sats! 
 It's the beginning of the global permission-less market. 
 Its been beginning for years!  Nostr growth is slowing steadily.  Lets face it, the general public are turned off by crypto. And many damn well hate and fear it.  Its toxic to nostrs otherwise great potential.  The damage has been done sonce every client pushes the zaps etc. 
 A market place or zaps aren't nostr's only use case.  There are many other incredible ways to use it. Thankfully it's not a pie and increasing its use as a marketplace doesn't decrease the other use cases. In fact quite the opposite, each use case helps the other one grow. 
 I know that. Its why I use Nostr.  But the crypto/zaps is a marketing / perception problem, not a technical one for those who don't want to use them.  Most people hate crypto (just a fact of life because , rightly or wrongly, it has a reputation for scams and darkweb trading - because well, it IS used for those, regardless of its other merits) .  Nostr has tainted itself by being fixated on that world.  And now people just roll their eyes when they land ona  nostr client and see the word crypto plastered all over the homepage.  Or as soon as they try and figure out what the hell zaps are! 
 The saddest part is that zaps are even more complicated than L1 bitcoin, and most people can't get to grips with layer one, even with custodial wallets, which would be a bad and pointless way to do bitcoin anyway! 
 I see you've been here for quite awhile and are a Monero guy so this appears to be some anti-Bitcoiner outrage marketing. Good luck.  
 No, I'm trying to understand why so many bitcoiners are in denial.  The blockchain is public.  It offers little or no privacy.  Its taxable when cashging, and every transaction nearly always gets converted to fiat when it is spent.  You might as well use paypal. And while I prefer Monero I also think the public largely hates all crypto, and nostr is failing to attract users because crypto is turning them off.  Crypto is also just too complex for most people, and L2 is not helping , making it worse, and even more centralized with KYC apps like WoS as the only viable way to send sats without self hosting nodes, which even bicoin fanboys struggle to do. 
 they denied for years that blockchain analysis was ever going to put anyone in harm's way. many of them still deny that it's a big deal. they are lazy and not proactive. you can count on them to continue believing that shoving everyone into a custodian is not a big deal. how someone can live through mt gox and ftx and go on to promote ruggable ecash mints is totally beyond me. they must just be stupid or something. there isn't a better explanation than that. 
 I think many of them do know this, they just don't want anyone else thinking of investing in bitcoin to know because they have so much invested in Bitcoin, they need more people below to help them cash out of their ponzi scheme  
 You don’t have to use zaps. There are clients that do not have them in the settings just as there are some that have Monero setup for zaps. 

You guys love to go on tangents about everything when it just isn’t that deep. Have a good one. 
 In answer to your 2nd question, because people who want to make successful clients understand the need to include features that the market demands! 
 There is little to no demand for zaps except among bitcoin bro devs.   99.999999% of anyone who uses the internet hates crypto, let alone second layer centralised KYC crypto.  And only 1% of the 0.0000001% that do want to use zaps actually run a node.   Zaps/bitcoin are actually just putting average  people off Nostr. 
 This account reposts replyguy.  Just mute and moveon. 