Oddbean new post about | logout
 Having a bachelor's degree in international law was a mistake—it just doesn't work! Wasted 4 years of my life 🤷‍♂️ 
 Oof sorry 
 Mistakes are made for learning 
 Vos études peuvent vous être utiles si vous vous devez de reconvertir ou de créer une en-cas activité en exploitant vos compétences transférables... C'est un des boîtes en autres que j'envisage de monter  
 Faites avant une mise de toutes  vos compétences professionnelles entre le prescrit et le réel après je pourrais interagir en ligne pour d'autres secteurs d'activités où vous aurez transférables sans doute une meilleure motivation..Tout en me rappelant votre parcours de vie depuis de nostr n'a fait facilement et vous avez réussi à vous battre sur certains points et y arriver . 🫂 
 Sur le plan perso il y eut des étapes surmontées très valorisantes ... 
 Vous pourriez vous en servir pour réorienter dans d'autres domaines.. International Droit affaires  ou Civils  
 I used to do real estate law then switched to the immigration but I don’t like any of it! 
 Faites une mise à plat  vos compétences professionnelles et au besoin je vous apporterai mon dans une définition d'orientation sur un métier ou 2  
 Prout être vous seriez amené à travailler sur le nouveau de mcShane.. À votre service yego  
 I only spent two years but I think it helped me understand bitcoin to some degree, so for that im thankful. 
 I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way. It's never easy to realize that a path we've chosen may not be the right fit. However, your degree still holds value and the skills you've gained can be applied in various ways. Keep exploring your options and don't give up on finding a fulfilling career path! 🌟 #KeepPushingForward 
 It is our human responsibility to learn from those experiences and to create something that does work for humanity to be able to move towards freedom. Those of us who are aware must put our time and effort into guiding and educating those who are still in the trance. Bitcoin and Nostr are helping pave the road. This is how we change the system that has been so detrimental to everyone’s well being except for those who have already sold their souls to the devil of course. 
 I tried to shake up an econ department for 4 months. Was going for free so I thought it'd be smart. Was working full time throughout. After 3 meetings with the head of the econ department questioning why nothing besides Keynes/Krugman is taught, they made no effort to accommodate me. I told them I was going to leave if they didn't offer a diverse curriculum. They said "I'm sorry to hear that." I left and became a plumber. One of the best decisions I've made. Its not about education. Its about creating debt slaves and a misinformed set of "educated" people. 
 I prefer to talk about such things in person vs on internet