@453c2c95 WHATTT??T?T?T?T????
@7bf2e962 rite? Here's the Anita Borg Institute's note: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/anitab-org_we-are-committed-to-providing-a-celebratory-activity-7112946004684898305-80mD?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop And here's a heartbreaking thread kicked off by the Anita Borg Institute's Bo Young Lee: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/anitab-org_a-message-to-the-anitaborg-community-from-activity-7113327061309550592-GXiD/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
@453c2c95 Honest question, as this sounds so unhinged, was it a coordinated effort, organized on a platform to challenge the conference on the grounds of gender equality (not the same as equity)?
@7bf2e962 It's a reasonable question. Based on the Anita Borg Institute's response, it's clear that they continue to take proactive efforts to manage risk around discrimination lawsuits
@7bf2e962 I'm inclined to the explanation that in a year that tens of thousands of people have lost their jobs, lots of desperate men would indeed apply to a conference with a good track record of recruiting, that is widely described as a positive experience. This apparently also happens to the National Black MBA conference, where only half of attendees are Black: https://www.wmfe.org/2015-09-25/changing-demographics-at-conference-aimed-to-boost-black-business-talent