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 Can Bitcoin help end wars and bring world peace?

This investigation into the petrodollar system is the best evidence I've seen for why this might be the case

Read this conclusion, at least, and start to think about what the world would look like if the reserve currency and currency needed to buy oil wasn't owned by one country but rather was an open, neutral, decentralized currency

This would be good for the world and, critically, good for America as we would focus our incredible potential and resources on progress instead of blowing people up


 This solution is not very clear on how Bitcoin can stop the war at my home. 
No dollar or oil here, but lithium, gallium, germanium, uranium and black soil 
 That is very true. The best we can hope for there is that Bitcoin helps Russians bring down Putin by bankrupting his regime and bringing some power back to the people 
 mindmeld/liveit/people4people/  all the best tetakta! 
 #Bitcoin is the Peace Revolution, #Bitcoin is The Resistance

Time for #Bitcoin Global Reserve Money 🧡⚡️🫒
- no one controls it
- peer-to-peer, no intermediate
- no one can stop it, freeze it, seize it
- perfect for big international transactions
- perfect store of value
- 21M limited supply
- proof-of-work, can't be created of thin air
- never hacked, outstandingly secure
- Hope for Humanity
- Worlds Freedom Money 
 If ongoing wars consume oil then the countries which produce oil have an incentive to create ongoing wars. How will it change if the oil is traded in Bitcoin? 
 Us empire has less incentive to create wars if wars do not strengthen its currency 
 But Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia & Russia will still have an incentive to create wars. 
 Why would they  
 For example Iran and Qatar have an incentive that Israel will go to a war with Lebanon - to increase the oil consumption.
Or if Yemen shoots on ships in the Red Sea, they now have to take the long route around Africa.

The USD being the world’s reserve currency for oil trade makes the USA a middleman and they get a cut of the profits, but the main beneficiaries from increased oil consumption are the oil producers. 
 War is a racket.

 They would fight over it then. 
 If Bitcoin could buy me a loaf of bread that'd be a start. Maybe world peace can come later. 
 So-called "prepaid crypto vouchers" or debit cards are denominated I fiat.

The money you buy them you've sold your Bitcoin for fiat and then we're back to square 1. 
 Grrr autocorrect. Again:

So-called "prepaid crypto vouchers" or debit cards are denominated in fiat.

The moment you buy them you've sold your Bitcoin for fiat and then we're back to square 1.

 paid Bitcoin 4coffee/parts/food/info/art/assorted products 
 Do you want to share when and where you paid Bitcoin for what products. What was the price, what's the shop, has the price been stable, how does the business pay its suppliers etc. 
 look2c/dyor/lfg      endthefed/lol     2se 
 Ah thanks for this lucid commentary. 
 those commercial entities r just lately rolling out & discoverable/ 
 Just answer the question? 
 don't get bossy, drop me your physical address & maybe i can swing by(phone#) 
 Uh oh do we notify the authorities. 
 your move/ 
 If #Bitcoin fails, it will at least be recorded in history as a thing that gave humanity the hope we needed to change the world for the better.

 One way I definitely think, likely not the only way  
 It can, and one way to make it happen is to enable the ease of converting bitcoin into multiple currencies. When this is achieved, countries can trade with each other directly, without needing USD, BRICS or any politically influenced currency - and eventually achieve self-sovereignty. 

There are several existing options for quick currency exchanges via stable coins, tokens like cashu and side chains, wallets, possibly web 5 and even Nostr, but all in development and requires more use cases, real-world usages and risk assessments. 

In the long run, when everyone has Bitcoin as part of their balance sheet, we would no longer need to depend on the currency exchanges, but for now, it will be the starting point for business transactions to happen. 

De-dolarisation and the rise of BRICS are real concerns and should not be naively dismissed. With a deepening global adoption, Bitcoin could be a robust peacekeeper in preventing the possibility of currency wars/wars. 


 That's very naive. You make it sound like all wars are initiated by the US. For Hamas or for the Russians bitcoin is a diabolical invention of the USA and for them bitcoin has no meaning. They hate the US and the west and will try to destroy you even if you have bitcoin or not. If you think you will deprive your government of money for the military and help the cause, well that's funny ) 
 Your government hates you more than Hamas or the Russians and will be the cause of your own destruction if you continue to buy in to its propaganda about the Far Enemy. 
 really? how do you know? 
 2023 data- Russia: With 11.91% of the population owning cryptocurrencies, Russia has the second-highest percentage of cryptocurrency owners. 
 Give me the source, please 
 About 22.6% of the Russian population does not have access to centralized sewerage. Most of these families use pit latrines

 The fact that the sheikhs hold their vast surpluses in Treasuries matters a lot more than them pricing their oil in dollars. Putting this out there as this aspect of the petrodollar system is often understated. (Not an original thought, heard it first from @saifedean .) 
 I come to a different results following a similar train of thought. All the rumors about Golden Ruble, Golden Juan, Golden whatever... are a result of the need of BRICS countries to clear transactions between each other. They don't trust each other enough to use their own currency (there is no guarantee one of them will not print more than what was agreed). I believe they will sooner or later start clearing in Bitcoin. Once this happens there will be an enormous fight against Bitcoin. It can be done virtually in the cyberspace, but it can easily spill into the real conflict with real victims... If Bitcoin survives that then it will win. 

But will it bring peace? I don't think so. Same guns don't shoot people, currencies don't start wars.  
 #HODLing #BTC is already a universal act of nonviolent protest that starves the military industrial complex & the seigniorage usury complex because anti-consumption is the only sly roundabout civil disobedience that they can’t stop. We conscientiously object to late stage banking insofar as we opt into consensual, peaceful P2P open source money. 

If we uphodl #Bitcoin as the global reserve asset, then we would finally remove the most toxic incentive for forever fiat wars and the tragedy of the commons because securing & protecting energy & information would instead become the universal priority. 

But it may even go one step further than that because even the monopoly of violence claimed by the State in order to enforce fiat monopoly money can now be called into question: if the government only needed arms & militias to protect its gold reserves, but #BTC is digital gold that can protect itself, does cryptographic softpower obviate the State’s claim to the monopoly of violence on a global geopolitical stage and, given this paradigm shift in the logic of violence (@JasonPLowery), how/if does that reframe our 2nd Amendment rights on a personal civil liberties level? 

Are we ready to talk about how #Bitcoin is ready to change everything? 
 The answer is no and that's the reason for not wanting to read the rest 
 I agree, it would stop the war at the current scale we blatantly go about spreading. 

Since it would cost us real money to go to war. 
Since the resources we try to monopolize will now be purchased w real money. 
Since the US Will not have the monopoly of the money supply that allows us to spend for war the way we do.