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 #HODLing #BTC is already a universal act of nonviolent protest that starves the military industrial complex & the seigniorage usury complex because anti-consumption is the only sly roundabout civil disobedience that they can’t stop. We conscientiously object to late stage banking insofar as we opt into consensual, peaceful P2P open source money. 

If we uphodl #Bitcoin as the global reserve asset, then we would finally remove the most toxic incentive for forever fiat wars and the tragedy of the commons because securing & protecting energy & information would instead become the universal priority. 

But it may even go one step further than that because even the monopoly of violence claimed by the State in order to enforce fiat monopoly money can now be called into question: if the government only needed arms & militias to protect its gold reserves, but #BTC is digital gold that can protect itself, does cryptographic softpower obviate the State’s claim to the monopoly of violence on a global geopolitical stage and, given this paradigm shift in the logic of violence (@JasonPLowery), how/if does that reframe our 2nd Amendment rights on a personal civil liberties level? 

Are we ready to talk about how #Bitcoin is ready to change everything? 