Is jack afraid of VC being a single point obstacle? Is there any other reason? I'm sure there will be big companies in Nostr in the future, so why not try venture capital
VCs = quick returns, control by investors is limiting founders autonomy that can impact the long term vision. Also you giveaway huge % cut of your startup to the investors and you get almost nothing
Yes, capital has to be paid back. If in the early rounds of financing, the client can find a sustainable development model. You don't have to give up control to the VC. VC just allows the client to have more funds and time to support the client to find a profit model. If no client is found and fails, the VC loses money, but can contribute to Nostr's infrastructure. At least developers won't give up building Nostr for the sake of survival. Today, jack's donations also come from jack's profits in VC and capital markets. Before the business model of joint-stock enterprises is completely changed, we need to develop Nostr through the traditional capital market, after all, every developer needs to survive.
Splits and yours. Friends don’t lie. 🕷️
Flagged to kill running and get dirty. 🦇
The implication of bitcoin as a sound money will result in the breakdown of the VC/PE models AND will require large corporations to break up / sell assets to ensure their shareholders have risked returns that shine a little bit of a light when compared to bitcoin. Bitcoin repricing money destroys the VC shotgun approach, the PE roll-up approach, and the public company quarterly performance focus. It breaks down the American mortgage market, insurance, and sovereign credit. There will not be “big companies” in NOSTR in the future. Companies might use it but they won’t be “big” like anything close to what we have today. And the fund model will die a tortuous death and financeers used to tax-free carries on the back of their OpCos are out out of business.