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 Congrats! Some lessons from having 4 kids (some more subjective than others of course):

- Home birth is awesome if you can find a good midwife. It was way easier and more pleasant for my wife than the hospital birth.
- Breastfeeding is awesome, but make sure the baby is getting enough to eat by pumping/measuring periodically. If s/he isn't, goat milk is a good alternative (goat milk formula if you're worried about bacteria, goat milk quality varies)
- Get copious amounts of rest in the first few weeks post partum. Mastitis can happen quickly, and you don't want it. Avoid stress!
- post partum depression is common, don't get discouraged, and don't be afraid to talk about it.
- Medical advice on front/back sleeping changes all the time. Don't worry about it, and don't be afraid to co-sleep. IMHO SIDS is probably more related to vaccines. Your baby doesn't need them all right away, a delayed schedule and skipping some is perfectly reasonable. DYOR on vaccines.

I hope it all goes smoothly! Enjoy that baby. 
 thank you for your advice! I had a few friends talk about post partum depression, but way after the fact so I'll definitely be keeping that one in mind.