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 In the last week the US government has:

- Sent money to Israel and Lebanon (funding two sides of a war)
- Neglected to provide material help to Appalachia in the aftermath of Helene
- Admitted that they’ve been poisoning the public with fluoride for decades

They hate you. 
 I have been living under this cloud for almost 6 decades. Misspent funds, Gov lies and now the slow burn of global communism accelerating! 
Thank God for #bitcoin and strong voices like you @ODELL @TheGuySwann @mcshane @primal @miljan @damus @jack @jackmallers @efenigson the list goes on and on and on …

“Live not by Lies” and the truth will set us free.

Roll up your sleeves ppl because anything is possible when ACTIONS mirror DREAMS! 🙏😎💜🧡 
 And spending more than half  billion dollars a month from the US taxpayers on its troops & military in the Middle East to support the war animals commit genocides. 

Lebanon isn't a cohesive country with a single government. Southern Lebanon is controlled by Hezbollah, and (mostly) populated by Shiite Muslims. Northern Lebanon is mostly populated by Christians (about 40% of the total population), with a mostly separate government. The Christians have been trying to prevent Hezbollah and their supporters from fleeing north.

The US isn't necessarily "funding both sides" by sending a small amount of humanitarian aid to one group, and a much larger amount (10x) of weapons to another (though even then, most of the funding is going to anti-air defense).

If you want to make that argument, you need to drill down to exactly where that money to Lebanon is actually going. This isn't Gaza; with Gaza it's much easier to make the claim that the US was funding both sides as Gaza has (had?) a cohesive singular government: Hamas. 
 When nerds talks about politics as if they know ..
LEARN MORE *mate*; [1]
Also the CIA were *weirdly* false when they estimated the Shiits percentage to be around 41% (in 1985) it makes no sense because they also estimated the whole muslims percentage to be less than 50% (that should include all types of moslems) which anyone who have the slightest knowledge about Lebanon would know it cannot be true. [2]
Ugh! people with Zionist agendas can't stop pushing their fake news narrative!

a little spoiler: the far-far south (i.e. the border line) has more Christians than Shiits! and keep listen to IsHell propaganda to justify their genocide (and close your eyes on the hundreds of Christians dying between Palestine and Lebanon also Syria and Iraq by multiple powers and groups mostly IsHell).

1- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanese_Shia_Muslims#Demographics
2- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Lebanon#Population_by_religious_affiliation
 This reply is mostly good but Hamas has nothing to do with the US controlling both sides in Gaza.

Walling 2 million people into an open-air prison and terrorizing them is enough to make them act like 2 million people being terrorized in an open-air prison.

Walling those 2 million people in is done by funding Israel, not Hamas.

Any funding given to Hamas is just to stir the pot a bit extra, while the flame of the stove (under the stirred pot) is in funding Israel. 
 Gaza wasn't an open air prison.

If it was, over 1000 Israeli's wouldn't have been murdered by Hamas and other Gazans on Oct 7th.

If anything, it's a really good argument to seal up Gaza for good and actually make it into an open air prison. Because allowing goods to flow freely into Gaza, and Gazans to travel in and out of Gaza, is stupidly dangerous.

The unfortunate reality is most Gazans (and many other Muslims) want Jews dead for b.s. religious reasons. That's not going to change no matter how nice Israel is to them. They're evil people with evil beliefs, and on average they're quite a bit less smart and successful than Israeli Jews. It's a recipe for violence that can't easily be changed.

This also shows how as much as you can rightfully say what the settler movement is doing is unethical, the settlers forcing Palestinians out of the West Bank has also saved the lives of a lot of Jews. Oct 7th helped legitimize the settler movement. 
 Stopped reading when you started with 2 sentences of you presenting bad logic as if it was actually logical.

Learn to read instead of just making up logical fallacies. 
 Where’s your evidence? 
 But the roads Marty. The roads. 
 We will make them obsolete 
 Algún dia 
 I think the government “hating” their serfs is the wrong angle. 

Government does hate us, but I think more importantly, they consider their subjects enemies. They want to destroy us in every way that they can without killing too many of us.

They have actively worked to destroy the family. To make us stupid and unwell (food, “treated” water, public education, propaganda). They steal half of productive people’s earnings through taxation and inflation. They want us gaining sovereignty as difficult as possible so they stack up as many moats (rules, regulations, laws, etc) as possible. 

Government is fighting an active war against all of those under their rule. We need to fight back. 
 I think the "Their" but it waaaaay more eronious than the "Hating" bit. 
 1. It's not "half of productive people's earnings," for most people it's all of the earnings and a continual rate of any savings or property. If you're rich enough to be experiencing earnings for yourself, wouldn't that mean you're on the gaining side of the wealth inequality line, instead of the wealth level where most of your cohort would be doing productive work?

2. Why am I supposed to give a fuck about you being "oppressed" when I never see any posts from you about the 2 million people walled into Gaza? 
 Also, people who are gaining wealth aren't missing potential returns because of taxes or inflation, they're just forgetting to factor the benefits they receive against the cost. The world is losing wealth overall, so if anyone is gaining wealth it's by using taxes and inflation to take it from everyone else faster than it shrinks overall; you cannot be one of the people losing money on taxes and inflation without being one of the people losing money, period.

Rich people are butthurt their profits are slowing down because of their ever-increasing debt, so they blame taxes and inflation, but reality doesn't magically match whatever is said by the rich. 
 Maybe it’s all just a dark forest. The government realizes that they guarantee a win by reducing the overall pool that can become an opposition. 
 Seems like everything is coming up to the surface, doesn't? 
 Is there a link to the flouride story? 
 This low-depth garbage is all the trending feed has to offer for discussion of anything important? Better than nothing, I guess. 
 More money sent abroad, this time 1b$ [this is in addition to the previously shared costs paper]
