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 It's not objective is all I'm saying. Many women don't even know they are pregnant early on. And no I don't consider a zygote a baby human.  
 abortions can happen spontaneously and accidentally at this stage, that doesn't change the definition of human

if a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, how can anyone know it happened? you can't make a rule about a thing that is not known, of course

if a woman has suspicions and tests herself, she and the man who did it are now liable for a human life if it's testing positive for a baby

the whole point of making this specious argument about what constitutes human is to narrow it so a politically expedient excuse for murder can be accommodated

be it war, assassination, execution, or abortion, which is very popular with slutty whores and immature man-children with sexual maturity and the emotional maturity of a 2 year old child

if you move the goalposts, you are allowing them to be moved again... it's human once it contains complete DNA and the capacity and environment to develop and be born 
 You would argue plan b is abortion then?  
 if there was no plan there was no A

if you are an adult and you cause something to be put at risk of harm, an ADULT must take responsibility for it, or their freedom has to be limited in order to prevent them continuing to make such bad decisions and causing more harm

it is not the fault of the child as it grows up to not be properly educated and trained to fulfill the responsibilities of an adult human

if you don't feel regret at a thing which by all measures of jurisprudence constituted harm and you got away with it, then idk, maybe we can't have a conversation 
 Plan b is the morning after pill. By your logic, that is abortion. Also, your argument was that the organism was human because it had human DNA, which dead people also have.  
 dead people don't have the potential to be alive for any longer though 
 it's the definition of life transfer. walking in to an abortion clinic is low vibe & worse on the way out in my experience