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 1. Renaming 'sats' to 'bitcoins'

What do you think about this idea?

What would be the benefits/downsides?
 Just use bits. 1 bit = 100 sats. 
 Why? It’s divisible like a dollar and already has a value most people understand. 
 Because adding more units is useless, it’s already been tried countless times and never caught on. And bits already has another definition in the technology lexicon.
 Fair. 🤝 
 I like this 
 1 bitcoin = 100,000,000 bits 
 Stop trying to make bits a thing🤣 
 I honestly don’t really care and will use whatever the larger community uses, but “sats” just confuses anyone who is new to bitcoin. 
 Whenever I explain it to someone new I just say it's 9 decimal places of a Bitcoin so it's really small and can be used for day to day tx's and they get it, I don't understand what the big deal is, not just you it's everyone yk 
 Forget about decimal places. I tell people 'there are 100 million sats in one bitcoin.' It gives them a goal to count up to and the human brain understands that much quicker and easier than decimal places past about two. 
 That's probably better, I'll try this next time I introduce someone. Thanks! 
 If it aint broke… 
 That would be kinda cool, technically a you can’t have a “bitcoin” cause it’s made up of many sats 
 That would be cool #Bitcoins 
 Sats, sats, and sats!

Just sats! 
 stay humble. stack bitcoins👏🏽

 Please no. Sats is fine. 
 Why would we want that? 

I see no benefits. The downside is the same as removing cents, dollars, hundreds, thousands, millions and keeping billions. 
 Suddenly I feel like I’m on Reddit in 2017 again. It won’t work. There’s already a consensus. 

There’s no bits, decibits, milibits…just forget it. At some point we’ll just stop saying sats and the amount will be enough to know what we’re talking about.
 This note gave me a deep sense of comfort. 
 Good luck. 
 Sats is 
 Because Pikachu isn't the pokémon's real name, it's its species. His real name is Satoshi, short Sat.

 Don’t make things more confusing. Spoken word allows people to differentiate the network and the corn. 

Why would you do that.

1 syllable to 3? Hard pass. 
 Sats is short for Sa-to-shis. More syllables. 
 No. The verbiage is already locked in for the early adopters. Why change? 
 utilise unit bias, and avoid having to explain to noobs that 100 million sats in a bitcoin.  Very few individuals will ever deal with numbers to the left of the decimal point. 
 “5 bitcoins” != “5 bitcoin”

please no 
 I prefer to use “sats” because I never had a #bitcoin 🥺 
 I think sats makes more sense, its too bad bitcoin isnt on the metric scale though, we should have 1 sat, 1ksat, 1msat, 1gsat=1bitcoin. Lost opportunity. 
 100 million was chosen because it's the nearest 0 to 64 bits. 
 Oh, well that makes sense. 
 2,100,000,000,000,000 is the total max supply of sats

18,446,744,073,709,551,615 is the maximum value of an unsigned 64 bit integer.

I forget now. It's been a long time since I looked at the bitcoin code. 
 No, sorry this is horribly confusing. "Satoshis" has a specific meaning. "Bitcoin" has a specific meaning. Further, "bitcoin" is it's own plural. "Bitcoins" sounds really dumb. 
 Using Sats and Bits would be better imo. 
 No keep sats 
 I participated in that thread on Twitter. Some strong feeling there 😀

I think it’s a good idea actually. 

Trying to explain sats to newbies just makes the conversation more convoluted (yeah, yeah, pennys to dollars - but still)

Also the ‘0.0004788’ format is not good UI. 
 No, because sats are increments of Bitcoin. That wouldn't make sense. What would a whole Bitcoin be called? Although, I would love each of my sats to become a full Bitcoin. 😂 
 Will just add more confusion, don’t do it! 
 No. Let the latecomers feel poor forever. HAHAHAHAHHA.

 It’s too late, just keep sats and bitcoin as they are. People can handle pennies and dollars. It’s basically the same thing. 
 I have reconsidered my position. I might consider it, if 100M "Bitcoins" was called a Handsome Overlord Coin 

 Just no 
 It’s perfectly fine the way it is. 

Bitcoin is a whole unit…
Satoshi are already fractional. 

Ain’t broke… don’t fix 
 1. No
2. No
3. Heck no

 No. This idea is ghea. 
 Nah — Sats are the standard. 
 Sats. Anything else is just confusing. 
 Send me a legacy bitcoin and I'll send you 2 of the new ones. 
 Bitcoin is a full coin. Sats are 100,000,000 of a bitcoin. Don’t try to change the code, The code changes you. 
 ₿ULLISH on sats 
 Nope. Sticking with sats would do. 
 The word ‘sats’ should be as resistant to change as the bitcoin network is. 
 No, please respect the history of Bitcoin, the "sat" unit has a low threshold for understanding. If you want to make it easier for the average person to understand, you can say "100 sats Bitcoin". 
 Well are you trying to psyop us into hyperinflation? 
 We must Jail John Carvalho immediately he's a danger to the bitcoin network our community and our culture as a whole.

He's tricking everyone into hyperinflation. 


 No. Leave it be. Sats is the standard. 
 We‘d all be rich 
 Sats for the win. 🏆 
 Terrible idea  
 I like sats 
 sats makes it to seem easier 😊🧡⚡ 
 Lol, is the goal to deceive the plebs?Anyway I like sats since it gives me a good idea of the denomination am working with. But also WOS if want to make Plebs feel like they own a lot of sats try enabling mSats. 
 Nope. Sats is fine.

Otherwise people / noobs would start arguing there are more than 21.000.000 bitcoins.

It’s already confusing enough for people who are just starting to learn.

Sats are fractions of a Bitcoin. How hard is it to explain that? 
 Exactly and BTW what a disgrace to stop honoring Satoshi for his huge gift to humanity? 
 If it's based off the bitcoin block no keep it called sats you can just put in the website bitcoin based blockchain. A name change at this point would only look bad I think. 
 Bad idea, sat is sat.⚡ 
 Sats sounds good. 
 do it  
 What about “bits”. 1 bitcoin is 100,000,000 bits 
 Many people have great arguments to change the standard away from Sats but in the end Sats seems to be very sticky. IMO we need to embrace it as a standard as not to add even more confusion. 

But there should also be other alternatives in the settings. Bits should definitely be an alternative. 
 Stop it 
 It's sats, the community has decided. You could go with "bitcoinSATS" for the incoming n00bs. Depends why and where you want to change it though.  
 I don't like this idea, make confusion. Only bitcoin and satoshi. 
 Sats are standard, don't touch it. 
 pack that shit in.  
 You can do whatever you want but I am calling them sats. 
What would you call a bitcoin if sats are renamed bitcoins 
 Why do we even keep discussing this 
 Please don't.  I use your software to onboard newbies.   I don't need them thinking they are sending 21 bitcoins to my goats.  Sats is it.   You'll only introduce noise into the bitcoin memetic space and dilute your own brand in the process. 
 Juts put a Sats to Bitcoin converter...
Just put a Sats to dollar/euro/x converter...

That's it. Everybody will understand. "Sats" are the Lightning Network soul. Don't change the name. 
 Nah.  Sats is sats.  Stack sats.  Send sats.
Don't mess with sats. 😂 
 You take away my sats, you are dead to me, I would sooner lay you into this barren earth then entertain your folly for a moment longer. You will not have Bitcoin, you will not have bits, you will have sats! 

Thats final 
 Sats are the standard. Stay humble and stack them. Let this meme continue to catch on please. 

Yours faithfully,

A Humble Sat-Stacker  
 Stupid. No need to explain.
 Sats are fine, just keep stacking them...

 "sats are confusing"

"what would be less confusing is if we revalued an existing unit that the world has already accepted"

lmfao insane 
 sats are easy since you can use metric suffix easily.
eg. 1k sat 
 Bits. And use the kebab 😄 
 Sats is a dumb name, IMO, but it follows what we already know, such as dollars and cents. We've been able to figure that out. 

Zaps the standard. 
 i have a theoretical question tho, what if one day someone created an nip for l-btc donation / tipping on nostr. how should we call it then? haha 
 It won't be a Zap. Hmm. A Splash? 💦 
 yeah that sounds cool tbh 
 "yo, did you zap or splash me?"

totally an understandable theoretical communication on Nostr 🤣. 
 Great name.

Satoshi = whole BTC

Sats = little BTC 
 Some men just want to watch the world burns 
 Would make #walletofsatoshi a fraud instantly because everybody new would think they can get Bitcoin for free. 
That would be the right answer to your question.

How would that be than on #NOSTR
"Look dudes, @ODELL zapped me 42 bitcoins!"

come on @Wallet of Satoshi
I like your App
 Bad idea. It is a homage to the creator and sending .00000001 bitcoin to someone is stupid 
 No no no 
 Bad idea... 

Singular "bitcoin" for the whole unit. "bitcoins" is Boomer shit no matter which level of denomination we're talking about.

Plural "sats" for the fractional unit. It just sounds cool. 
 bitcoins is fine, don’t be a zoomer. 
 "It's raining, there's waters on my window."

"Ah, I love hiking, breathe in those fresh airs!"

"Ug, the beach, I have sands in my shoes." 
 that must have broken you, to write those three sentences 
 Peak development ideas in custodial lightning wallet land.

Top fucking minds.

 if this post by WoS doesnt end up trending on primal for good trolling then it will be clear that primal trends are as liberated as those on X

 No Sir.

1BTC = 1BTC 

1BTC > 1sat

 If this is 1...

What is 2??! 🤔🤣 
Sats are actually bitcoins

But those with Adjustment Disorders like most older people with conservative values, and even younger ones with AS, HFA, or ASD have full-on adjustment disorders too and will react violently when faced with sudden, unwanted change so it's something to deal with, because only calmer minds make better decisions

But bitcoins are literally, COINS
The full amount should have been SATOSHI or to make it ungeneric-sounding, call it satomoto, satoshimo, whichever sounds nice  
 they're already having it with dollars => sats 
 Nice troll guys  
 Hard no 
 highly regarded  
 Is this a joke? 

In case not, no!! definitely not... way too confusing! 
 imo Good idea in long term. there is no such thing as a whole bitcoin
 but I like sats more, it sounds cool and very cypherpunk 
 No benefits. Only downsides. Why even have this idea? 
 I think people will look at Bitcoiners with confusion when they say "1 whole bitcoin = 100 million bitcoins" 
 The term bitcoin would ideally be applied to a unit with a sane value. As it stands a lot of people think of bitcoin as expensive when that is a completely arbitrary valuation. Right now 1 sat is too small to be the standard unit, and 1 bitcoin is too big. 

I think Adam Back has the right idea and in the near future we'll be pricing bitcoin by the bit (0.00000100 btc) and this will eventually become the unit that laypeople mean when they say bitcoin. Sometime around the point that 1 sat == $0.01.

It's a logical transition for people to think of sats as cents and bits as dollars. 
 Why would you want to do that??? 
 Hell no! is what I think.

We don't need MORE confusion.

We have enough with the "bitcoin the asset" and "Bitcoin the network" nonsense. 
 sats are sats  - bitcoins are bitcoins so big hell no from urantia  
 That ship has sailed IMHO. Sats it is. 
 Nostr and Lightning is the reason I dig Sats as a unit. 
 sats is better. in sankrit , sat mean truth, unchangeable.. 
 The downside is no one can tell how much Bitcoin you are talking about. "Would you be interested in selling your car for two bitcoins?" The scammers will have so much fun with your idea. 
 Let's rename 1 sat as $1 instead.  
 I dig it. one tenth of any amount of gold is still gold. why would the same standard not apply to bitcoin?