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 I suspect anyone who tries to discourage me from voting of working for the opposition or being ignorant of how governments work.

They're literally trying to stop you from spending 5 minutes filling out a form and putting it in a mailbox. Because it's supposedly not worth the effort to even attempt to influence government. 🤨

Think about.

People wouldn't be trying to rig the votes, if voting didn't matter. 
 Don't waste your right to draw a large phallus across the names of criminals who hate you. 
 The quality of the politicians reflects the quality of the populace.

That doesn't change the way the government works. 
 I'm not interested in the normie populace's rulers ruling me. 
 They rule, whether you are interested or not. 
 Which is why we rid ourselves of them rather than giving in.

Any state that exists should be small, homogeneous and local, made up of you and people like you. Anyone supporting or participating in anything else should be resisted, violently if needed. 
 Either it's so tyrannical that it needs to be overthrown immediately, or it isn't. 

If it isn't (and we apparently agree on that, seeing as how neither of us are storming any capitols), then it is worth influencing through political agitation and voting. 
 You're both wrong then. It is so tyrannical it needs to be overthrown immediately. You can blame me for not overthrowing it myself, but every day we wait, people die, and eventually I'll be one of them because I am trying to do it myself - which isn't very efficient to attempt by storming capitols in a one-man army. 
 Violently overthrowing a state with tens or hundreds of millions of citizens is at best useless and at worse would result in a gigantic bloodbath.

We have the vote. 
 No matter what you do, it will result in a bloodbath. You're a mortal being born into world war 3. The least blood anyone can spill these days is their own, which is still an entire human. You are locked in to making painful choices. I want the death to be biased in favor of bad people and I want good ones to survive. Ripping the band aid off today would probably save a lot of lives compared to whatever else is going to happen because people keep waiting. 
 Does the government deserve to be overthrown?  Absolutely, but most revolutions lead to worse tyranny, not a better smaller government, so be careful what people wish for and be careful starting something that could make everything so much worse. 
 We need to bide our time though to get things in place. These are cycles that span multiple decades. I also support a preference for a non-violent solution by defunding them.  
 I like this, but I don't trust it. I'm pretty sure you've just got "minimizing violence" higher than your priority list than "maximizing fairness" when you kill people, and that seems irrational, like it's just a way to tell yourself you're not killing people. Let me rephrase actually, I don't just "like," I love the idea that we can actually use non-lethal force thanks to technology such as Bitcoin. I just think it's so clear that can't work, I don't trust denial of that. 
 I think it's up for debate how well it might work. I'd prefer my enemy to be weakened as much as possible before I actually have to take calculated risks myself.  
 If I manage to raise an army or anything, you might be a good provider of counterweight opinions for me to consult before doing shit. 🤙 
 Imho, it doesn't matter whether or not the Labour Party or the Conservatives win the election in the UK because the broad trends of decline will play out either way. But it does matter to the parties because they will be the ones who gain the power, and everything that comes with it, which is why they rig the vote.  
 You can influence the direction those parties take. They analyze who votes for them. 
 i don't see the point, i think better the gubmint slides down fast to dystopia so we can get to the next part where they all get guillotined and start again, they are only ever good at that first stage 
 I have been hearing that prediction since the 90s. 
 and it just keeps on sliding deeper and deeper into socialist nonsense, the trajectory is very clear, once people get used to stupid, it is easier to get them used to stupider, sanity only becomes important when it's a matter of survival 
 Trajectories can change. 
 I am too high-agency to just sit around, waiting for the world to end.
If I want things better now, I do things to better them now. 
 High agency people don't wait for or seek the approval of a government, or anyone else for that matter. We ignore them and do our thing. And we certainly don't vote, since that is consent for others to 'represent' and 'fix' things on our behalf.

All that does is offer up another opportunity for people to assume a position that enriches them and allows them to dictate how others should be living their lives.

If they want to fix anything, they need to go away, forever. 
 The fastest, most-peaceful way to get them to go away is to take their seats and then order the removal of the seats and go home. 
 Take their seats, as in become part of the system?

"I can fix her" 😂 
 People laughed, when the socialists decided to do the same thing.

Nobody is laughing, anymore. 
 You are really wrong. 
 Look at Germany and look at Europe and tell me I'm wrong. Europe is cooked. 
 Your reasoning is that If the same people that got us into the mess will continue to do the same things is not worse than If people who has a totally different analysis of things and want to fix this, came to power? Do you really think that Milei coming to power was irrelevant? Do you think that Bukele’s years in power is washed? 
 Trump got us into this mess, dumb ass. 
 In theory, it makes sense. That is how the system is designed in order to convince people to participate. 

"If only our side won, we wouldn't be in this mess. Next time though, next time we will fix it!"

In every nation state, there is the two party system, which provides the illusion that the system can be fixed. It is no accident that there is almost exclusively a right Vs left party in every country. In the UK, the "right" has been in power for over a decade, yet the result is largely the same as if the 'other side' had been in power. It is because when it comes to policies that would really affect change, both sides are in agreement to the detriment of the average person, whether or not the people realize it. Both sides talk about net zero. Both sides push a larger agenda. If COVID didn't wake people up to this, then nothing will.

A fringe party that isn't part of the duality could upset the status quo, and indeed that does seem to be the case on the odd occasion they do come into power, but they are quickly neutered by globalists with a much larger agenda. Every single time, the dissidents who are a true threat are removed - Gaddafi, and such. It gets easier to pull this off when the majority of a population is brainwashed enough to believe everything is a conspiracy theory, and the state gets more brazen as the years go by. Make no mistake, if Milei or Bukele were to become a true threat, they would be dealt with. Sometimes the globalists have to allow some of it, in order to give people some hope. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the handful of leaders who opposed the COVID narrative conveniently died. Coincidences only ever trend in one direction, which logically tells us they were never coincidences to begin with.

Many people who enter politics do so with the intention of fixing the system. They soon realise this is a fantasy, and they become part of the system. Those who do not, are smeared and ejected.

I think that control of the monetary system is all that ultimately matters, since that is what feeds the beast. Things won't truly be solved until that system is replaced with something that doesn't enable such tyrannical corruption.
 I really think that you’re complicating this. Which politicians that are in power has REAL WORLD consequences. 
 I think your view of the theatre is a little too simplistic. You're trapped in the bubble of believing that democracy is there for the benefit of the people, when it is there to benefit the people in charge. 
 I was were you are now decades ago. But I grew past it. You’ll get there eventually. 
 So for decades things have only deteriorated, you still still hold onto the idea that voting is the solution? Interesting.

I think the ones who escape the mind virus that is picking a side in politics are the most disliked by the ones who remain trapped in that paradigm. Left and Right tend to be in agreement that independents are 'the worst'.

Just look at what you have when it comes to issues that are pitted against those within the paradigm:

Palestine Good
Diversity good
My body my choice
Equality for all
All immigration is a human right

Israel Good
Abortion bad
Diversity is bad
All immigration is bad

Both sides believe voting fixes something, whereas, if you zoom out, you will see the Uniparty is in agreement on all the 'issues' that are there to continue with the creeping totalitarianism and they are totally made up. The issues which result in policies that do affect our lives:
Climate Change is a problem -> more government intervention
Pandemics are dangerous/real -> more government intervention
Vaccines save lives -> more government intervention
Money printing is the solution -> more government intervention
War is good, and its your fault -> more government intervention
Dissent is a 'danger to democracy'  -> more government intervention

Democracy is THEIR game. That why they never shut up about it. It is not there for the people on a societal level. If you pay attention, the unelected 'leaders' are only ever circle jerking and signalling to their own. When they say "we", "us" and "our", they are referring to themselves, not the people.

It's a scam as the day is long, and things will never change until more people wake up to this reality.  
 My ideal society has nothing to do with democracy. My ideal society is an extremely limited state with the following purpose: to uphold the god given right of the individual, his right to his possessions, his right to keep the fruits of his labor, his right to his life, liberty and property. 
This excludes state funded media, universities, education in general, healthcare etc, etc. 
For this YOU DON’T need any democracy, just competent people; ones administrating this can NOT have any other motivations than keeping the thing going, not EXPANDING its tasks. 
BUT WE ARE NO WHERE NEAR THIS. We live in a world that is politicised and were VOTES acteually can make a difference https://image.nostr.build/9cd064ce006ba306a0efc54f3cacc55f226623908852050698073081bb410b99.jpg  
 Seems we agree on most ideals other than how we achieve them. I simply disagree that enabling politicians is the way forward, when the system is setup in order for us to consent when we go out and vote. I agree you don't need a democracy, which is why I won't enable these people by participating in the show. When you offer up your vote, you give them consent to expand the state based on policies which are mostly made up. No one you can vote for fits all of the ideals, not even most of them.

I think Milei still bows to the overlords. While there are many alignments with what he believes, lets see how long he maintains his support for or against certain issues. He supports Israel, a state which is objective genociding innocent people. That alone is enough reason to be skeptical, because war is only beneficial to the rich. Initially, his stance was against climate change, but now:

"It’s worth noting that in a recent interview, Milei’s new top climate diplomat stated that Argentina will remain part of the Paris Agreement under Milei’s presidency, which may suggest a possible softening of his stance on climate change."

These people will always promise the world and deliver none of it, or just enough to keep people believing, while not enough to inspire true change. I'm still open to him being genuine, but that is a belief I hang onto loosely.

To be clear, on a local level where you can directly hold people accountable, voting can make a difference for you and me within a smaller community. When it comes to state-wide or EU elections, that system is rigged to the max. 
 I know that people like you would let me mind my own bussiness; You are not my enemy. 
But communists really are. And I really will fight them with ANY means at my disposal. 
 Of course we're not enemies. We just people navigating this world, hopefully leaving it a slightly better place than before we arrived.

Many of us on the sidelines quietly hope one of these 'leaders' will eventually do right by the people. Tyranny, whether in the form of communism or fascism, is the real danger we should look out for. The trap is becoming the very thing we fight against by adopting ideals that demonise one side or another, rather than doing our best to remain objective and skeptical.

The darker side of the game is what most people deem a conspiracy. There needs to be a balance in society, and the more governments (and by extension, globalists) intervene, the more unnatural, chaotic and destabilised a society will become. The problem with L v R politics is that the pendulum will swing hard in the other direction, and those who are too entrenched within the system tend to behave the same way as their opposition once the reigns of power are handed over. It's cyclical, it's dangerous for everyone, and it will keep repeating until people snap out of it. This guy sums it up nicely. 

 Yes anyone who was or did become a real threat, they would have to ride around in a popemobile equipped with anti-ballistic missiles.

 People have written the Germans off before. 
 That was the last time the world took a stand against the ruling class, if you don't accept the official narratives surrounding what happened. And what did they do? The same thing they always do - propagandize the population into fighting a rich man's war, and then rewrite history from their perspective in order to prevent the same thing happening again. When they imprison a 90 year old woman for 'denying the holocaust', it only reinforces my point.

To the majority, there is no nuance to any discussion. Everything is black and white to them, and every opinion they have is received through programming. 
 Nobody cares about the Holocaust, anymore. The law will eventually fall out of disuse. 
 Not because the issue is settled, either way, but because it happened so long ago that almost nobody alive feels any strong emotion about it and most of the younger people have some foreign ancestry. 
 As far as I can tell, most of you are just hiding and/or making plans to escape to a foreign country.

High agency is to change the world around you, rather than to run from it or pretend that it isn't there. 
 I always have a backup plan because the will of the majority (voting) is what enables tyranny, since more than half the population lacks the cognitive capacity to do anything for themselves, that is why the rely on and idolize politicians, and worship celebrities.

The way things are going though, there is likely to be no where to run, which would be by design. I agree that you could potentially beat them at their own game, but only on a local level. People get Epsteined when trying to challenge true powers, that is what the world has been for a long time. The power attracts the worst people, and for them, when fighting a truly fascist or communist tyranny, there is really only one solution.

They had no problem trying to kill us. I don't mind stooping to that level if they force us to.

"Reasonable people forced to do unreasonable things." 
 There is a middle-point between living in hiding from the majority of the population and starting a violent revolution called "protesting and voting". 
 I don't think it's my right to try to exert compulsory influence over my neighbors.

And I don't think "well they'll do it to you" is a valid moral argument. 
 You do you. 🤙 
 Actually... That's why they are rigging it at this point, they aren't going to get the exact result they want right now because the momentum is pushing it in a direction they didn't quite anticipate.

That direction is still not going to be good for any of us however, just a fraction better than where they want it & they will still steer it in the wrong direction over a longer timeframe. 
 Vote or don't, just don't expect that act to be doing any of the heavy lifting because that is trying to hold back the waves already set in motion. 
 And it does not in any way change that it is a uniparty set to head in the same direction overall, one side fast, one slower...