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 Hey #Amethyst .. when I choose "All Follows " main feed ( instead of global or muted) .. why do I see comments from people I am NOT following ? 

Is it a bug or design ? nostr:nprofile1qqsyvrp9u6p0mfur9dfdru3d853tx9mdjuhkphxuxgfwmryja7zsvhqpzamhxue69uhhv6t5daezumn0wd68yvfwvdhk6tcpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7qgwwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkctcscpyug 
 Isn't it from a hashtag that you are following. If so the hashtag will show up in the top right corner for the post, close to the time of the post.  
 No ..I am talking about regular feed .. the main feed ..

I have three options - Global , All follows and Muted ..

When I choose All follows .. I expect to see notes and comments of only those that I follow .. isn't it ?  
 But, do you follow a hashtag or not? 
 I am not complaining about notes or quotes .. 

I am talking about replies and comments .. 

Again to better clarify ..

In "all follows" - I  see notes only from the ones I follow .. but  replies to those notes are from anyone " .. my question is if it is by design or a bug ? ..

Because I was expecting that if I am looking at "all follows " ... Even replies should be only from my follow list .. is it a wrong expectation ?  
 Ohh I see. The main filter is by follows, if you open a note to see the replies than it will be from everybody because we don't have the filter up top on that thread screen.  
 Exactly ..  it is a misnomer .. when you say all follows - the user expectation is - " all from (only) everyone I follow " ...  I think it should be fixed ..

Saying that , cuz if "all follows " behaves as expected - then I wouldn't see spam ..

Btw that is the behaviour when I chose "all follows " in notifications..  so .. 

 The issue is that every screen has a separate settings at the top. You can be looking at All Follows at home, but Global in Notifications, and a user list on Discovery. Threads just haven't adopted that language yet.  
 Yes ..agree .. I should be allowed to see global in notifications and say "muted" in my home - but the definitions should be same across all screens 

All follows - in home should mean same as "all follows " in notifications .. isn't it ? 

As of now - the meaning of " all follows " in notifications screen is perfect .. but on home it means - notes from all follows but replies from everyone " - that is inconsistent..

 And the reason I am stressing on this cuz if all follows in home behaves exactly like it does in notifications..than I can get rid of spam ( reply guy :-) ..

I will still see spam in global ..or mute ..but that is fine .. 
 I am confused. The Conversations tab in the home screen should only show replies from people you follow. But if you enter a thread (which you can also enter from notifications), that always Global today.  
 Exactly what I am saying .. if I enter a #thread ( from my all follows screen at home ) ..then the thread should also be filtered for only follows .. ..  
 I got your point .. you are saying filtering is only at the top level .. not at thread level .. right ?  
 They are either reboosts, requotes or hashtags you follow  
 No .. then why do I see replies from reply guy .. my "All follows " fees should purely be  notes and comments ( and reactions ) from the list of people I follow .. 
 Your profile and notes is open to the world and internet. ANYONE can comment on any notes you make. They don't even need to follow you in order to write comments. This is how Nostr works. 

I think it's dumb because it's easy for anyone to put spam in your comments and notes. They should have to request a follow before they can interact with your profile.  
 yup .. that's a normal wisdom but #nostr is more than normal :-) 

if you stopped a bot from commenting that you can prevent even a human from commenting .. 

on the client side - it is different .. relay should not stop anyone - human or bot .. but. clients can do intelligent filtering .. and let user choose what they want to see .. 

I guess @Vitor Pamplona clarified it .. the filters have yet not made it to the  #threads screen .. which is fine ..we can wait :-)