Man sometimes the worst thing about being right is it takes the NPC's years to figure it out and you rarely ever get acknowledgement for taking a rash of shit and standing your ground despite.
The last 4 years especially have felt like i am living in some awful simulation and its tiring to feel like you're constantly swimming upstream.
And it's not just bitcoin/financial related. It's health, it's politics, it's parenting, etc.. I just find most people are so incredibly unrelatable and a lot of the old friends we have i can't say how i really feel about almost anything without upsetting peoples feelings.
Anyway, happy Friday. At least i have fuck you money.
At least we have fuck you money.
Feel the exact same way, but kinda bullish that they are coming around
It can feel like a lonely path sometimes. I look at history and God to guide me through darkness
Go on local meetups, conferences etc. when this feeling gets bad. Likeminded people help a lot.
When you have enough BTC free yourself from the slave life.
Don't try to argue with 'NPC'.
You're not alone fellow Remnant.
Being early can feel a lot like being wrong.
Connecting with Bitcoiners in meatspace helps to restore hope that all is not lost.
Find your tribe man, there are others like you.