@cc121fd8 I know this guy. Served in the US navy. Hunts deer. Drives a truck. First (or second?) wife he caught naked with another woman in a swimming pool. Second wife divorced him the day she got her citizenship. Paid crippling child support. Did he not try hard enough? Should he man up?
@86ee8b2c @cc121fd8 sounds like a pretty stupid friend to me.
@3a92a9b1 @cc121fd8 He’s been edumacated by now
@86ee8b2c @3a92a9b1 https://static.noagendasocial.com/media_attachments/files/111/133/920/736/248/046/original/b2d2aa6e7efe62f8.png
@cc121fd8 @3a92a9b1 Isn’t coach redpill that guy getting the John McCain full service hotel treatment in Ukraine
@86ee8b2c @3a92a9b1 Gonzalo lira, yes. 1 is a tragedy Stalin said. But he deserves it just for the name