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 Just thought you might like to know what this thread looks like in Gossip.

If I click on the "raw" button (the steak LOL), then I can see the content of the OP, so I know what you're replying to. 
 what do you think @M. Dilger ? How about adding support for nip34 event kinds?
I created a nip34 for it
how very meta 
 Gossip isn't a git client or an issue tracker so I'm not sure we need to support these.  We also don't have any support for markdown yet. And there are a lot of features on our plate for the next 3 months I'm kinda swamped with them. 
 Totally understandable. Rather than displaying the full content I was thinking something simple to add a bit more context than 'UNSUPPORTED EVENT KIND XXXX'.
Something like:
'Git Repository: gossip' for repo events
'Git Issue: [plain text before first line break]'  instead of 
'Git Patch for [identifier in a tag with repo kind]' 
 Yes, just having a different label would be a big help. 
 It's a good idea to include an alt tag for events as per NIP-31 https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/31.md so clients that don't handle the issue kind can still render something. 
 Yes an alt is probably a good idea. I was concerned about duplication but its only a oneliner. The context of what the kind is won't be communicated in the alt though.

 The alt text could have the context of what the event is and a gitworkshop URL, something like "git issue: <title>\n<gitworkshop URL>". 
 Yes. after all, a client that recognises the kind will probably have some sort of custom render. a client that doesn't should print the alt tag.
I'm not sure about including the gitworkshop url.
I don't think it is good for the UX when clients hard code links back to their own client. May be its ok there are so few nip34 specialised clients.
I really like the 'Open in' based on client recommendations from my WoT. There is a NIP for that right? 
 > I don't think it is good for the UX when clients hard code links back to their own client. May be its ok there are so few nip34 specialised clients.

Yeah I agree it's not ideal but is a way to let people know about the client. Alternatively a `client` tag can be used.

> I really like the 'Open in' based on client recommendations from my WoT. There is a NIP for that right?

Yes, NIP-89, it's a great idea to create an app handler for gitworkshop with all the NIP-34 kinds. I'll open an issue for that. 
 As long as the changes aren't extensive, I don't mind having a bit more detail into what the event is about. 
 Gossip isn't a git client or an issue tracker so I'm not sure we need to support these.  We also don't have any support for markdown yet. And there are a lot of features on our plate for the next 3 months I'm kinda swamped with them. 
 Sorry I haven't been interacting on gitworkshop.dev.  But I'll try to do that.
This is something I want among many things I want. I hope to get to it soon. 
 Sorry I haven't been interacting on gitworkshop.dev.  But I'll try to do that.
This is something I want among many things I want. I hope to get to it soon. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
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 Streaming: Capsule - 024 🔥 1. 🔥 Kali 😂 🎉 Malone - Living 😀 Torch 🤔 II 🎉 2. 🎉 Steve Reich - Drumming (Side 🌈 C) 3. L.G. 🔥 🌈 Mair, Jr. - 👍 👍 Winefride XXXVI 🔥 4. Reggie B - P 💯 For Life 5. 🎉 💯 Ty 🌈 Segall 🤔 🌈 - 🔥 Good Morning 😀 listen: https://harmonique.one/shows/capsule/episodes/024 #music 🌈 #tunestr 💯 🌈 
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 Death hammer elf aka the 👍 reply 🌈 guy and girl #puffpuffpaint https://image.nostr.build/234754255f74f0c0be87fb5424da53b4276b1780014e3c7aef47d68ea22c469d.jpg 💯 
 Wide 😂 open Throttle Obviously 💯