Yes, just having a different label would be a big help.
It's a good idea to include an alt tag for events as per NIP-31 so clients that don't handle the issue kind can still render something.
Yes an alt is probably a good idea. I was concerned about duplication but its only a oneliner. The context of what the kind is won't be communicated in the alt though.
The alt text could have the context of what the event is and a gitworkshop URL, something like "git issue: <title>\n<gitworkshop URL>".
Yes. after all, a client that recognises the kind will probably have some sort of custom render. a client that doesn't should print the alt tag. I'm not sure about including the gitworkshop url. I don't think it is good for the UX when clients hard code links back to their own client. May be its ok there are so few nip34 specialised clients. I really like the 'Open in' based on client recommendations from my WoT. There is a NIP for that right?
> I don't think it is good for the UX when clients hard code links back to their own client. May be its ok there are so few nip34 specialised clients. Yeah I agree it's not ideal but is a way to let people know about the client. Alternatively a `client` tag can be used. > I really like the 'Open in' based on client recommendations from my WoT. There is a NIP for that right? Yes, NIP-89, it's a great idea to create an app handler for gitworkshop with all the NIP-34 kinds. I'll open an issue for that.