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 But yeah you may also be correct on some points. I just like Russia and Russian people. I think they deserve to have a great future. I hope they will not collapse as you say.
But watching video on YouTube and have being witness of what happened in the ‘80s to Russia, it feels that the same is more likely to happen in the USA in a near future.
I would take in account the possibility of an American secession. Things are getting bad for Yankees all around the world!!
More than probable your vision is just what an common Joe would think. But Joe now is considered genocidal, you know.. Genocide Biden 😅😙 
 There are the oligarchs, And then there are the Russian people. A few hundred wealthy Russians vs the world. Russian people are very kind, Especially outside Russia, But powerless. The Muskovites kind of understand cosmopolitan ideas, But the people in the rural areas, Want out. The war is only good for Putin to project power, And Putin just represents the siloviki. The fledgling dreams of the old Russian imperial power that died over red October when the Bolshevik party killed the Romanovs. It is not coming back. Putin is killing all the progress the Russians made abroad since the fall of the USSR. Israel will not let Russia take over. The Jews were persecuted in Russia the same as in Germany. The Russian Jews will fight him to the end. The Ukraine, Poland, Russia Pale of Settlement were subject to the power of Catherine the Great. Israel is the political leader and the United States has the Nukes to match Russia at a moments notice. Putin is all hot air, The Russian Orthodox Church has no power over the state of Israel. 
 That’s the MSM narrative! Don’t believe the MSM!
It’s just a bunch of lies!
What you said sounds nazi af.
It’s incredible the amount of bs American people can be fed!
I am sorry for you, who believe the lies your propaganda builds for you! 
 Nothing about Jews is “NAZI” 
 Ashke-NAZI yes tho! lol
There are some Jew which consider Zionists as what they are: Nazists 
 And there are many Russians who consider Putin what he is, Bullshit. 
 I personally don’t think Putin is the good guy. It’s just a government like another, but way more clear and less aggressive on war. So.. fuck your states bro 
 Like butt fuck the USA government hard bro 
 Way better Xi and Vlad 
 U often are as retarded as:
“In China they have a social score”
Ahahah laughing stock!!
It’s a score for entrepreneurs!! For blood sucker oligarch vampires!! Ahahahah 
 American have more oligarchs than the Russian can dream of!
Are you really believing those lies!
First of all the Russian dream you say it’s dead, it is not. It’s alive and it is just that the supposed victory (over a country who freely decided to split up) of capitalism/fascism in ‘89 made it disappear from the MSM! That’s it. Since then people started living a dystopic world where the American oligarchs would create fake enemies in order to use the bombs they build cause if they don’t use it they have no reason to produce more. And since it’s one of the most lucrative businesses, it’s a major source of income for you war state.
The Jews were persecuted in all the world. Actually those who organised the revolution were Jews as well. So your thesis that Russians are antisemitic it’s just a big nazi BS. Maybe you want to say Zionists. Which is a subset of antisemitic Jews. They are lead but Zionists Christians, who have this crazy thought that once Jews will be destroyed for trying to make Israel a real state (Israel is not a state, it’s the name of the promised land which is a spiritual thing, not a material thing) then they will finally receive the visit of their messiah and then will be peace in the world. It seems you do not understand that the world is lead by your crazy Christian Zionists oligarchs and one of the main goals is to eradicate communism.
I recently saw a documentary about the trial against the Hollywood moguls. They have been charged of being communists spy (hilarious). So. On one hand rich Jews are communists. On the other hand communists are antisemitic! But lol! I that trial you can clearly hear the judge asking :”do your workers have ties with communists”, Mogul:”I have American workers”, judge:”American meaning that they are communists or fascists?”
Go check for yourself. That is the moment the American fascist state took over Hollywood!
The rest it’s a full blown propaganda of which you seem to be victim. 
 Brooklyn has more Jews than any other cities outside Israel. The Russian and German royal houses will never return. There are surviving Russian Royals, Who have no desire to rule Russia. Putin is a trigger happy dictator, His days are numbered. Israel is not A part of the NAZI party, The Israelis went around the world killing NAZIs after WW2 or as you say it, “The Great War”. The Bolshevik party fucked up Russia for you permanently.