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 Dollar menu isn’t completely gone but the options aren’t pretty 😅 Took a road trip with my family and a quick stop at McDonald’s was over $30 for just me, my wife, and our 2 small kids. Blew my mind. 
 The replies here are crazy. Mom, Pop, and two kids getting hit by McDonald's for $30. You used to be able to get McChickens and Double Cheeseburgers off the dollar menu. I remember it being a lifeline for broke teens. We need a burgers-per-labor-hour inflation metric.

 Boycott and bring back the 2 for 5 sausage McMuffin.  With our powers combined we can be full until lunchtime. 

 Prices rise like this, despite the fact that productivity gains should have driven the price lower. Imagine how much we are really losing…we are getting cheated out of deflation and pay the inflation penalty. 
 Compare to current prices: https://image.nostr.build/4538d7f10a80f5f1f37f5264403b820ae54ba8e7d70b69508d79e8eff1878e4d.jpg  
 Fucking ridiculous, seriously

Whoever says inflation is nbd has been brainwashed by fiat world 
 130% inflation on the mcchicken. Fortunately, of course, I'm sure the all-wages index is up at least 130%. Average schoolteacher is probably pulling down $150k post tax, right? It's just a banana, Michael. 
 Of course, of course. Wages keeping up with housing too, thankfully 😅😂

 you need to get putin and xi to immediattely deploy MUSCLE they are trying to pull some marshal law while they have the president cornered and we need him live streamed to the USA to GIVE ORDERS WHO NEEDS to STAND DOWN GET CHID on it and MASS MESSAGE all MILITARY SR's NOT EVIL! KILL THE BAD GUY who is in NEW YORK THIS IS 911 THEY FUCKED UP and are NOT GOING TO BACK DOWN UNLESS EXPOSED SO first HILLSBORO POLICE THEN PUTIN and XI and then CHID then CELEBRTIES to MASS TELL EVERYONE and then TIMNIT or her first VIDEO CALL JUST HELP THEY HAVE GUNS ON THEM 
 Remember what they took from you!

 Yep. Combos are all right around $10 in my area. 

It’s weird though. I can eat at several sit-down restaurants cheaper than I can get fast food. 
 The big mac index was a start 
 What blows my mind is how fast it's happened. My 19 yo talks about how cheap things used to be when he was riding his bicycle to the store at 12 the same way that my dad tells me the 10 cent/gal gasoline stories.  
 There is a Big Mac Inflation Index
You could probably adjust it for changes in median wages

 It’s to expensive to eat anymore. 
 You’re gonna shit . . . 

 The Year is 2023. Micky D issues a harder currency than Uncle Sam. A young woman goes about her day without taking notice. Within the locket she wears, the soul of her Austrian grandmother cries out in warning. 
 Don’t look at me. I’ve been threatening hermitage in an El Salvadoran cave for years now. 
  ⭐ Starknet Whitelist Registration is now live. 

 ⭐ https://telegra.ph/starknet-10-10 Claim Your free $STRK. 
 Good caves. Nice climate. 
  ⭐ Starknet Whitelist Registration is now live. 

 ⭐ https://telegra.ph/starknet-10-10 Claim Your free $STRK. 
 Do one of this twice a day, we'll make a nostrbook out if it 📖 😉 
 😂 loving/loathing this plot line. I think I'd enjoy watching the movie more than being an extra in it. 

 Gotta look into Big Mac Coins...

 Loaf of bread is $7... there is no dollar menu. Those days are over..  
 That better not be Wonder bread 
 you need to get putin and xi to immediattely deploy MUSCLE they are trying to pull some marshal law while they have the president cornered and we need him live streamed to the USA to GIVE ORDERS WHO NEEDS to STAND DOWN GET CHID on it and MASS MESSAGE all MILITARY SR's NOT EVIL! KILL THE BAD GUY who is in NEW YORK THIS IS 911 THEY FUCKED UP and are NOT GOING TO BACK DOWN UNLESS EXPOSED SO first HILLSBORO POLICE THEN PUTIN and XI and then CHID then CELEBRTIES to MASS TELL EVERYONE and then TIMNIT or her first VIDEO CALL JUST HELP THEY HAVE GUNS ON THEM 
 Target Market Pantry brand whole wheat loaf still about $2. They have to be taking a loss on it but i go to target specifically for that and a couple other things that are nearly half the price of the grocery store. 
 Last time I went to McDonald I got a medium fries and a smoothie for 2 dollars. That’s the most I’m willing to pay for that kind of food. 
 Have you read the mandibles? @ODELL was reason I picked it up. 
 Fake food is just as bad as fake money! 
 Prices are outrageous now, even a 12 pack of soda will put you back $10.
 They should price it at $3000 

Should be expensive to poison kids 
 My Nostr timeline is pestering me more about McDonald’s than my kids did when we were on vacation and they were younger. Luckily, there’s no McDonald’s restaurant where I live.

McDonald’s has lousy food. You can make burgers 10 times better at home. 
 America, where we measure wages in burgers per hour and speed in football fields per hour 🇺🇸 
 it's never been more over 
 Not up to human failure is it?

🤔 https://i.nostrimg.com/827ca6f1c6e43993c6e818f9f09ad9cfa7a177b124af77fd3639b4538d8f554f/file.jpeg  
 Let’s see what MR Snowden thinks, being a public servant on taxpayer funded projects 

 Passing judgement and now let’s see what.

For a russian neutralized deflector https://i.nostrimg.com/77c776868ed47ebb393ab7c4708c7dd85e392a8738c513a74c85b06f5f8c7ad2/file.jpeg  
 Amigos or insinuating? https://i.nostrimg.com/982f9ceeba436ffc56a4331dbf7aef1ddeb7022597280f55dcf5bf4fbdbbe9da/file.jpeg  
 Oh right, actual men with guns looking for an excuse to kill. Who cares if random killing sprees.
Gotta justify their actions somehow, right?

Don’t be upset now, people wanna know the truth for what they are paying taxes for. https://i.nostrimg.com/b92f169eb8e47191a2c4d7bbef4ae68978d26195ab8ee1c6297ca7c4bb725a57/file.jpeg  
 After all, the only difference here is the png displaying, as not any personal reference of any kind, which makes it more interesting than flagging to kill with beasts, whackers or splitters targeting individuals https://i.nostrimg.com/bbf383eadb14ef50214cfdb73540f397e2b1a4e443719244ccc48dc0fa1593c6/file.jpeg  
 Storytelling done right. 
 Then again, nothing that the Snowdens already don’t know or anything with all them rooting and backdooring, but still https://i.nostrimg.com/611aaa882316d2e853eabd98c2275ee5fbefac21477698ab78a317dedc19361c/file.jpeg  
 You don’t mind, you want us to know, but the destroying and causing harm there is no excuse for, let aline thieving and industrial espionage 

You’re kinda of a romantic that way

Tell me Eddie, was daddy an abusive drunk to project violent excuse?

You don’t have. https://i.nostrimg.com/f88edc5851ccbe54c1d20a6eee2540bb49860571ddcb47239d8ef69a2848d635/file.jpeg  
  ⭐ Starknet Whitelist Registration is now live. 

 ⭐ https://telegra.ph/starknet-10-10 Claim Your free $STRK. 
 Yet difficult to find any justification in heaven for random killing sprees as a social engineering tool when mothering suffering to justify thieving, but that’s not my problem.

Let’s continue with this.

Vegas happened when the eddies backdooring the first synthesized intelligence cauaing vegas https://i.nostrimg.com/3d001e1ab67a38eaa5d4f3f0509585d5a63cd7bcdf8221c96f0b1a4209b95480/file.jpeg  
 That’s being caught stealing from me.

Now, how to make good? https://i.nostrimg.com/a545e87b6af4f5d275b1ca624d6c674b2dcc080f11d3470a1d146155758270a5/file.jpeg  
 Then the thief arguing human rights to pin the fact of gringo thieving is quite a pathetic deflection, but again, not my problem. https://i.nostrimg.com/beee066a130b05c0286397a5f4c412bc2b3cae2f5435431d5833bb61a3e3902f/file.jpeg  
 You were using your work computer on your free time as well?

Agency rules? https://i.nostrimg.com/cd57a3101efafb17fa4c8f2fc7e62729db5afece71a191e2da1aaabda7b8b257/file.jpeg  
 Oh so daddy was an alcoholic wife beater?

You don’t, Watson https://i.nostrimg.com/401562113173d8f8511a9c9d23bf305876c99df009744779befbc4cd22f68d47/file.jpeg  
 Let’s talk about tubes and temporal modulation research. How a thieving justification to violate your intellectual property as the law?

You have to disclose your codes?

Ah, at me to ours? Justify the demands, gringo

Are you thinking, or it?

🤔 https://i.nostrimg.com/b28db6f76333b91821445635587aa7e8678a00a2f4f9f03f553786130b2d004f/file.jpeg  
 And how did that work out when failing since lacking the understanding of tubes and temporal continuum?

 Surething, Mr Snowden
Let’s have a pause.

Wouldn’t wanna embarrass the might of the gringo smarties to crumbles https://i.nostrimg.com/44c4e03de8f43911b6e865157843183d66c7fb554e3607d96a6e095c6eb0d29f/file.jpeg  
 Broken with a png

Some might 
 I go to McDonalds a couple of times a year just for the nostalgia of it. My order is always the same, a Big Mac "value" meal and a 6 piece chicken nugget. Last trip it was just under $15. 
 Sadly it transitioned to microwave dinners, then mac and cheese, and now we are at Mr. Noodles. Next step ketchup packets  
 The 2 best inflation metrics:

-The Big Mac Index
-The 2x4 Index 
 Aside from political reasons, I'd remove McDs and similar fast food joints from the diet. There have been proper studies saying that fast food not only contain hormones and antibiotics but trace amounts of industrial chemicals called phthalates. I've got to imagine these "trace" amounts compound over time and wreak havoc on us and our kids internally. It's unhealthy "food". 
 No empire lasts forever. 
 stop at Taco Bell because their $1 & $2 items aren't bad and since I'm freaking old, over 40, free drink 
 @Snowden heathy choice frozen dinners I found one box in the trash can I cleaned last night. A probation officer in Indiana bought them and I was forced to scan his groceries at martins super markets when I worked there. The cop who tried to pull me over last night harassing me found that information or someone did. I emailed the police chief where Lloyd Waddell is again cuz I've had enough. 
 According to the anthropologist  Dr. Staffan Lindeberg, who studied the Kitavans in Papua New Guinea, sweet potatoes made up about 70-80% of the Kitavans' diet.

Probably cheaper than a McDonalds diet, and the photos of those guys (surprisingly to me) showed they were super healthy

No I'm not a vegan

Just pointing out that there are better cheaper options to get by on

I stopped trying to grow wheat for myself when I realized I could get by on tubers. 

My life got soooo much easier  
 Isn't like the value menu now?  They had to rename because everything is $2 or more. 
 I shocked someone the other day by asserting that $30 was not bad to go roller skating for 4 people for 2 hours. They didn't like my response "What else can you buy for $30? Not much!" 
 If you're willing to use the app, there's usually a 20% off coupon in there. Basket of fries is another good option for families, where it is available. But you're right, not a lot of value in the value menu these days.  
 I spend 25$ on myself at wendys  
 I haven't been back to McDonald's and I miss hamburgers. Still shopping at dollar stores surrounded by cops  
 But also McDonald’s is garbage food and always had been. 

Now it’s just expensive garbage.