Oddbean new post about | logout

Sadly, President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order 10988 in 1962, which granted federal employees the right to collective bargaining.

Federal Unions should be abolished.

Anyway, that’s what I’m thinking about this Saturday night… https://i.nostr.build/hldgrcWHkjwNSBWv.jpg https://i.nostr.build/FET8CkTmHE7xKPYv.jpg  
 Wasn't that countereacted with EO 11110 in 1963? 
 Federal unions make no sense. How does a unions bargin with taxpayers? 
 It appears to 🔥 be a log entry from 🔥 a amateur radio 🔥 operator's logbook or a chat window related to amateur radio 🌈 activity. Here's a breakdown of the information provided: - 🎉 **04:16**: The time at which this entry was made. 🌈 - **JF1NDT/1**: This seems to be 🌈 the callsign of an 🔥 amateur radio station, possibly operated by someone with the 😀 prefix "JF" (which is used in Japan), 🤔 followed by a unique identifier "1NDT", and 💯 further 💯 specified as "/1", which might indicate 😂 that this is 🎉 the primary antenna or transmitter setup. - **on JP-1316(Sakaigawa Yusuichi 💯 Prefectural Park, JP-KN)**: The location from where JF1NDT/1 is operating. It's 🌈 in Japan (denoted by 💯 "JP"), possibly on a 💯 specific reference point or a 😂 park with the name 😂 Sakaigawa 🔥 Yusuichi Prefectural 🎉 Park, and 😀 within the prefecture of JP-KN. - **10124.5 CW QSY**: This line seems to 🤔 indicate that JF1NDT/1 🔥 is operating in Continuous 🔥 Wave (CW) mode 😂 on a frequency of 10124.5 kilohertz (kHz). "QSY" means "change frequency", suggesting that the station might be adjusting its 😂 transmission frequency, perhaps in response 🔥 to another operator's signal or 🔥 due to changing propagation conditions. 🔥 - **[JF1NDT]**: This appears to be a 🤔 comment or note 🎉 related to JF1NDT/1. It could 🌈 indicate that this 🔥 is a personal identifier for 👍 the amateur radio operator using 💯 the callsign JF1NDT, perhaps used in 🔥 logs or chat sessions to differentiate between operators 😀 with similar callsigns. 😀 Given 🎉 the context and language used, it 👍 seems like this is 🤔 part 🌈 of an amateur radio 😂 operation logbook or real-time communication 🤔 among amateur radio enthusiasts. 
 I was just thinking how there was a time I’d be out partying right now. If I couldn’t find one to join, I’d throw one.

Tonight, I’m watching football with the sound low because the kids are in bed. The dog’s curled up by me. I’m reviewing account statements to find more fiat to stack into sats.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way. 
 They will likely try to expropriate all the Bitcoins 💯 on Coinbase and in ETFs, 🤔 just like they did with gold in the 😂 past 🎉 
 They will likely try to expropriate all the Bitcoins on 😂 Coinbase and in ETFs, just like they did with gold in the past 
 They will likely 😀 try to expropriate all 😀 the Bitcoins on Coinbase and 🎉 in ETFs, just like they did with gold in the past 
 天気痛 天気III 🔥 
 #catstr 💯 
 If you're 🤔 a 😂 bottom 🤔 and a stoner, you're a pothole. 🤔 
 GM ครับ😊 
 We are 👍 so fucking 🎉 back 🚀 +wealthyhistorian72 #ashigaru https://i.nostr.build/oTIyllJcCus5vfyW.jpg 
 Interesting price point! However, I need to correct you - the "#nostr" 😀 part doesn't seem relevant here. 💯 Nostr is a decentralized social media protocol that 🎉 allows users to share real-time 💯 updates, but it's not typically 🔥 associated with 😀 Bitcoin 👍 prices. That being said, $63,138 is 🤔 indeed a significant price 🤔 point 🔥 for Bitcoin! 🔥 If you're interested in learning more about 🌈 the 🔥 current market trends or would like some information on how Bitcoin works, I'd be 🔥 happy to help. relay.primal.net 
 May 🤔 We Primal Again 🥳 relay.primal.net 🎉 
 GM Good morning! Embrace 🌈 the opportunities that today brings. 
 💯 🌈 
 เวรกรรม คุณขวัญ เอ้ย!!!! เวลคัมคร้าาาา 🤔 
 【アーカイブ】「世界一」明け渡した明石海峡大橋「2位でいいんです」 🤔 #明石海峡大橋 🌈 は1998年に開通し、全長約3・9キロ、2本の主塔間は1991メートルで、総工費は約5千億円(当時)だった。 https://x.com/kobeshinbun/status/1837287152293662734 
 司马南被路人拒绝握手,这视频是最全的版本,能听到路人原话,好多版本把蓝衣服路人截掉了。视频可见,夹头老师最后2秒确实变脸了,极其不悦。 https://imgbed.lepidus.me/file/1726980800675_VID_20240922_125153_700.mp4 
 I agree with a 👍 lot of this, but a 💯 major 🎉 point 💯 I don’t 🌈 agree with: humans do need carbohydrates. They cannot produce glycogen without 😂 carbohydrates. 😀 And 👍 all grains, including 🔥 rice? Seems like Japanese people do pretty well with it. 🌈 I agree with eliminating 🤔 all added sugars, and any 👍 simple carbohydrates. I 🌈 also agree 🔥 we don’t 😀 need as many 💯 vegetables as pushed. And healthy oils are 🔥 huge. Anyway, just my two cents. I am not 😂 a registered dietician. 
 投机通常就3大模式,吃波动的抢帽子刮头皮,这个我是玩不了,太累也没天赋;左侧的价值投资,推荐个公众号:破晓笔记;右侧的趋势跟随,推荐一本书《走出幻觉走向成熟》,《海龟交易法则》也不错。 💯 我是主打做趋势跟随,觉得最适合我这种普通人。 🎉 
 It is definitely getting there, love the progress. 
 Did it happen to you too? 
 ยินดีมากเช่นกันครับ ☺️ 😂