He deserves a lot of credit https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/jul/02/facebook-apologises-psychological-experiments-on-users https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook%E2%80%93Cambridge_Analytica_data_scandal https://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-ceo-mark-zuckerberg-testifies-congress-libra-cryptocurrency-2019-10
what's a psychological experiment? A/B testing?
They were doing a study on how manipulating the algorithm could result in a change in users' emotional states
Sounds evil when it's put that way. But, consider what practically every business does every day with A/B testing. Literally playing on your emotions to buy. Not defending FB, but they sure do get a lot of focus when everyone is basically doing the same thing.
So Zuck is CIA? That’s what I read.