that reminds me... it's pretty easy to make liquid soap if you can get potassium hydroxide... it's also used for making biodiesel, and i have loads of tallow, and a source for belgian tallow
i need to get me some potassium hydroxide
best soap i ever used was in the old days of the noughties buying Dr Bronner's Liquid Castile Soap and the stuff is not the product it used to be, and it always contained coconut as well as olive oil
tallow based soap is the best... the stearic acid leaves a residue on your hair that makes it shiny and more springy, and it's easy to make a liquid soap, in fact, the first soaps were liquid because you can make a fairly strong potassium hydroxide powder by simply putting wood in a furnace and collecting the white ash after you burn out all of the other things, the main thing in tree sap is potassium