Everytime I’m trying to open Twitter i now have an app (one sec) jumping onto a screen which has me to wait for 10 seconds. In those I usually realize that all I wanted is some dopamine rush or it was non intentionally and I’m like: “why am I even trying to open it?” Reduced my Twitter usage by 90% switched my usage to only when it’s intentional and there’s a reason to use it - communication or creation instead of blind consumption Feels so much better 🫂
Just close your account lol 🤣
That's a great strategy Max, what's the app called?
It’s called “one sec”
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I was experiencing some dopamine problems with it and went to the “Screen Timer” settings… and when I was there setting a 30-min timer, I asked myself if I wanted to waste 30mins a day there and I just ended deleting Twitter last Monday.
I keep Twitter because it's good for staying informed and because I have a good & positive community of friends there, but I've also found I sometimes have to stop myself or else I might get caught in doomscrolling. Way too easy to do. Then again, I have to limit myself with smartphones as well, since they're also designed to be addictive.