IDK, maybe the product should have been tested in the real world for a while before releasing it. If anyone wants to pay me sats to try to break their wallet so I don’t have to put my own money at risk every time I download something that isn’t ready for prime time, you know where to find me.
Is it not a experimental feature ? It's gone live ?
Someone told me it did. I’m still using TestFlight, so I had to enable it in experimental.
I struggle to complain from free FOSS honestly. What all these crazy devs are building with almost no money is remarkable
I assumed Blockstream had money to fund devs.
It's still almost free so....And I don't think they are making money or will be before several years in the future, we can't ask much more from them IMO
Graph syncing will be better in the next update @`Roy`said
You are using Green's experimental feature that you opted-in to, right? Anyway, the Green team is working diligently to resolve these issues.
Yes, I fully understand it’s an experimental feature. And I am giving feedback to improve it. You’re the first person to respond who is actually involved in the project!