How about a hash cash based pow concept where nostritches have to Zap the network or a specific relay or something like that to make a post. Cost to post goes up until spam decreases, almost like a difficulty adjustment. Every action (post, like, repost, etc) all has imbedded zaps. It would also be acceptable for a lower tier, less expensive experience that has more spam but costs less (nothing?). In this way end users can specify how much they want to spend and what they want their experience to be like. Could also provide incentive to run relays. Market dynamics would reward most freedom, least censorship, best / fastest relay performance.
...could a also provide financial incentive to make client applications with elegance, control, and constantly improving end user experience. We may all end up spending $12 / month but based on usage and in a free market of ideas and applications.
Regressive and discriminatory towards the poor and the 3rd World. It favor just the rich in 1st World countries that can afford it.
Let's do it!
lol, nailed it! value in and value out. nothing is free
Who pays for and who benefits from the memes of production? Who is John Galt?