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 I feel like we're living in groundhogs day, not making progress against COVID. I'm definitely more COVID conscious than most of my peers(parent brain to blame?).

But if COVID is part of life, the playbook on minimizing your risk should be close at hand. I'm gonna jot mine down as a reminder to myself and encouragement to others to not harm themselves and their loved ones.

We really do have the tools and science to win this pandemic. 

We have the tools, but we lack the will to use them collectively. 

Mask are good, N95s are better.
Wet/damp masks are not effective.
Always mask indoors when not at home.
Only close friends can be trusted to report sickness, and assume they are asymptomatic when they appear well.
Assume ALL illnesses not positively identified are COVID.
Increase airflow in spaces you can effect.
Provide air filters for spaces you control.
If people can't hear you through your mask, find a quieter space. 

No really, do not go back to high intensity exercises immediately!

You're infectious for at least 8 days after initial symptoms. Observe 100% masking for 2wks. Yes, this may mean eating alone or where there is good airflow.

COVID has weakened your immune system for at least 3 months, reduce exposure to all possible infections for this long. COVID provides NO increased immune response to COVID. You can be reinfected immediately, act accordingly. 
 Take it very easy on yourself for 12 weeks, both mentally and physically.

Aspirin, keep it handy. If you so much as imagine you're feeling a clot hit that aspirin.

Avoid or reduce alcohol, can't possibly be helpful.

Protect your peace. General depression and many common mental health challenges remain a high risk for Long COVID.

Take this all as a time to chill the fuck out and ask everyone around you to also chill out. 

Stress is not healthy. Stay calm. Don't panic. Don't feed the trolls.